Chapter 27- Love Story

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"It is just as beautiful as I remember it... if not even more stunning, now," I say softly in admiration, standing and staring up at the illuminated Eiffel Tower that is so beautifully contrasting with the black of the night.

"You've got that right," Harry responds quietly from behind me, making me grin slightly as I blink slowly up at this magnificent structure. I take a deep breath and intertwine my hands together, looking down at them and pursing my lips slightly. I listen to the sound of passing traffic in the distance and then the sounds of footsteps in the grass behind me.

"Are you okay?" Harry asks quietly, gently wrapping his arms around my shoulders from behind. He plants a gentle kiss on my cheek, keeping his lips there as he takes a deep breath. I nod slightly and bite the inside of my cheek, reaching up to put my hands on his forearms.

"Yes, I'm fine. This is just... a lot to take in," I admit, swallowing hard as I close my eyes and lean into Harry's touch. I feel him nod slightly, gently kissing my cheek once more.

"And why is that?" he asks curiously, releasing me from his embrace and putting his hands on my shoulders, turning me around to face him. I blink quickly when we make eye contact, admiring the gold glimmer reflecting in his eyes from the tower behind me. I swallow and shrug slightly, staring him in the eyes intently.

"I honestly have no idea what I am feeling right now," I clarify, sighing contently when Harry's hands slide down my arms, intertwining our fingers together. He nods in understanding, his eyes sparkling in admiration as he stares at me.

"Explain, baby," he prods lovingly, squeezing my hands reassuringly. I press my lips into a flat line, looking down as I try to verbalize my feelings and emotions.

I don't know... I just have this overwhelming love and fondness for you that I can't quite explain. And I just feel so relaxed and comfortable with you that I can't even remember what my life was like before we met. Whatever it was like, I'm sure it didn't compare at all to what my life currently is with you," I explain, looking up at Harry as I come to the end of my explanation. He nods slowly in understanding, gently running his thumbs over my knuckles.

"Sometimes, my heart feels like it may explode from how much I love you. I love you to the point that it hurts. I still get butterflies every time I see you," I admit, flushing slightly as Harry's eyes light up. He pulls me a little closer to him, staring down at me fondly.

"I thought I was the only one," he says with a wide smile, making me giggle happily. I quickly shake my head and pull his hands up, cupping them in both of mine against my chest.

"Everything is just too good to be true right now, Harry. I worry every, single day that this is a beautiful, perfect dream that I am going to wake up from and I just-" I continue to ramble, Harry suddenly cutting me off by gently grabbing my neck, pressing his lips against mine. My eyes flutter closed and I inhale quickly, my eyebrows raised. I slowly and relaxedly exhale, Harry's lips moving passionately against mine.

After a few minutes, Harry slowly pulls away, his forehead resting against mine as we both quietly try to catch our breath. He softly brushes his thumb over my swollen, bottom lip, his eyelashes obstructing my view of his warm, green eyes as he looks down at my lips.

"Why me?" I ask so quietly it is barely audible, Harry's eyes quickly flickering up to meet mine. He furrows his brows in confusion, not quite understand my vague question. I swallow hard before I begin to clarify, my breath stuttering slightly as Harry continues to brush him thumb over my lower lip.

"I just... why me? Why do you love me, of all people? I am so far out of your league it is ridiculous. I just don't understand why Harry Styles is in love with Louis Tomlinson. You are like a gazillionaire, Harry, and I have absolutely nothing to bring to the table," I say with a shrug, Harry quickly beginning to shake his head as he stares me in the eyes, opening his mouth to say something before I cut him off.

Always On My Mind (Sequel to Always In My Heart)Where stories live. Discover now