Chapter 16- Proud

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I lounge on the couch in the sitting room, watching the news that is playing quietly on the flatscreen. I smooth out my pajama pants and glance over at the clock reading, 11:39 p.m. I carefully peel the wrapper off of the princess cupcake that Harry bought me this morning.

I swipe a small bit of icing off the side of the cupcake with my index finger, sticking it in my mouth and licking it off. I blink slowly at the news, watching it intently.

I watch out of the corner of my eye as Harry walks into the sitting room, only wearing his pajama pants and no shirt. I continue to watch the news, licking the icing off of the cupcake. He walks over to me and stands staring at me, grinning widely when I look up at him in question.

"What?" I ask confusedly, continuing to turn the cupcake as I hold it sideways, licking the pink icing off.

"Is that good?" he asks with a devious smile, watching as I lick the icing. I roll my eyes and laugh, understanding why he finds this to be so amusing.

"Yes, it is. Now, let me eat my cupcake in peace," I say with a raised eyebrow, shaking my head as I peel away the wrapper, crumpling it up in my hand. I watch as Harry puts his hands on the back of the couch on each side of me, leaning down to take a bite of the cupcake that barely has any icing on it anymore.

I grin happily and run my hand back through his hair, watching as he chews the bite of cake and swallows it. He kisses my lips once gently, winking as he pulls away. He quickly swipes his finger through the pink icing, dotting it on the tip of my nose before I can protest.

"Cutie," he says quietly as he stands back up, sucking the leftover icing off of his finger as he walks out of the sitting room. I grin happily to myself, reaching up to wipe the icing off of my nose. I manage to finish the cupcake in a few minutes as I continue to watch the news, wondering where Harry has gone.

I stand up slowly with the cupcake wrapper still crumpled up in my hand. I turn off the television and begin to walk down the hallway leading to the kitchen. I walk through the doorway, smiling when I see Harry making himself some hot tea at the counter. His back is turned to me, making my mouth water at his sexy, back muscles.

I hum to myself happily, strolling over to stand behind him at the counter, wrapping my arms around his toned, muscular abdomen. I can almost hear his smile as he stirs his tea, his skin warm against my cheek as I rest it against his back.

Suddenly, he turns around, causing me to release him from my embrace. He smiles wide down at me, leaning his lower back against the counter top as he pulls me close to him by my hips.

"Such a pretty princess," he whispers, running his hands up and down my hips and thighs. I bite my lip and flush slightly, blinking up at him from underneath of my eyelashes.

"Thanks, baby," I whisper back in response, loving the feeling of his big hands on my hips. He winks and grins happily, watching his hands as he slides them up and down my body, appearing as if he is trying to memorize every inch of me.

"We'll have to buy you a tiara someday. A really nice, heavy-duty one that you can wear in bed," he says with a devious smile, chuckling in amusement. I giggle and put my hands over top of his, freezing them on my hips.

"Someone has quite the princess kink," I say teasingly, crinkling my nose up at him and making him look down at his feet with a cheeky grin. I laugh and nuzzle our noses together, closing my eyes happily.

"Can't help it, baby. When someone as pretty as you is sleeping in my bed, I feel like a king," he responds, making me roll my eyes and pinch his ass gently. He gasps and then laughs joyfully, keeping our noses together.

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