Chapter 6- Bottled Up

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All too soon, I am being gently poked awake by one, annoying as hell, boyfriend. I scrunch my nose without opening my eyes, groaning as I roll onto my other side.

"Stop," I grumble, putting the pillow over my head. I take a deep breath, slowly beginning to drift off to sleep before I am awakened again.

"Get up," a muffled, raspy voice prods, a warm hand shaking my arm. I let out a loud sigh, trying to hold the pillow down tighter over my head.

"Harry, stop," I mumble a little louder from underneath of the pillow before it is quickly snatched away. I let out a frustrated whine, trying to grab the pillow back as I squint in the bright, morning light.

Harry smiles amusedly down at me as he kneels up on the bed, holding the pillow above his head where I can't reach it. I pout at the loss of the pillow, trying to get my eyes to adjust to the light filling the bedroom, the white color of the room only making the brightness worse.

"Come on, get up," Harry says, leaning down to kiss my cheek lovingly. "It's nine o'clock," he adds, trailing his kisses up to my lips. I whine and pout, pushing him away from me as he laughs in amusement.

"Don't make me bring my mum in here to get you up, especially when you have no clothes on," he says with a smirk, motioning down to my bare body. I flush badly and swat him away, pulling the blankets tighter around myself. Harry fights me to keep the blankets down as I glare intensely at him.

"Louis," he says laughingly, "Stop it!" he scolds me playfully, turning me on my side and gently slapping my bare ass. I yelp loudly and squirm away from him, attempting to kick him.

"You are ridiculous," Harry says with a laugh, shaking his head. He quickly grabs his phone off of the nightstand, opening the camera and pointing it at me.

"I'm sure Mum and Dad would love to see this," he says, attempting to take a picture of me laying naked in bed. My eyes widen and I quickly scramble out of bed, sprinting across the bedroom.

"I'm up! I'm up!" I shout, running into the bathroom and locking the door with a click.

"Perfect Christmas card pictures!" Harry yells, muffled from outside of the bathroom door.

"Stop it!" I whine, making Harry erupt into devious, amused laughter.


I sit at the dining room table with Harry's family, slowly eating my breakfast. Harry insisted that I dress casual today, telling me that there is no need to impress his family with my attire, but I argued with him that I still wanted to look nice. So, we compromised on me wearing my jeans with the new, mint green button-up from Alexander McQueen. Harry is wearing jeans and a plain, white button-up, his hair looking amazing today.

"Sleep well, Louis?" Anne asks me from across the dining room table, making Harry laugh and choke on his breakfast tea. I shoot him a discreet glare, gently patting him on the back as he coughs.

"Darling, are you alright?" his mum asks, furrowing her brows in concern. Harry nods quickly and wipes his mouth with a napkin, looking at me amusedly.

"Uh huh," he says with a grin, making me roll my eyes and continue to eat the scrambled eggs on my plate.

"Yes, I slept very well, thank you," I say politely to Anne, shooting a warning glare at Harry. He just continues to poke around at the omelette on his plate, trying his best to hide the smile plastered on his face.

"Excited to tour the vineyard today?" Robin asks me with bright eyes, obviously very excited himself to show me around. I nod happily and take a sip of orange juice, swallowing.

Always On My Mind (Sequel to Always In My Heart)Where stories live. Discover now