Chapter 14- One Look

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Louis' POV:

I wake up on Harry's chest to find him scrolling through his phone with a concentrated expression, his brows furrowed. I blink softly up at him, not lifting my head from his bare chest. He finally realizes that my eyes are open and he smiles warmly, gently stroking my hair.

"Good morning, beautiful," he says in a deep, raspy tone, still sounding a bit sleepy. I smile happily and gently lean up to kiss him once chastely on the lips. He chuckles slightly when I pull away, watching as I go back to laying with my head on his chest.

"Morning," I respond in a gravelly, high-pitched voice, still a bit hoarse from the night previous. I try clearing my throat but it doesn't do much. Harry holds me close to him, our bare bodies warming each other.

"Voice still a bit hoarse?" Harry asks curiously, an amused smirk on his face. I smile softly and nod, planting a gentle kiss on his chest.

"Mmhmm," I grumble, noticing that my throat is definitely a bit sore. Damn, I really must have been screaming last night for my throat to hurt this bad.

I'm surprised that we got as much sleep as we did with it being the first night with Whisper. We only had to get up twice to take her outside to wee, but besides that, she slept pretty well in her crate. It was a bit funny though, having to throw on robes in the middle of the night to take her out, standing in the backyard and literally begging her to pee so we didn't have to bring her back out in another ten minutes. The majority of the time, it was Harry holding the leash, while I stood, buried deep in my robe, shivering as I tried not to fall asleep standing up.

I guess Harry is right though, this is great baby training for us. I mean, not that we will have to take a newborn baby outside to have a wee in the grass... but you get the point, with getting up in the middle of the night and all...

"Want me to get you some water?" Harry asks concernedly, looking down at me and stroking my hair. I clear my throat again and shake my head slightly.

"No, no, I'm good, baby. Just stay here and hold me," I beg in a quiet voice, nuzzling closer to his chest. He chuckles and turns us both on our sides, spooning me lovingly. I close my eyes with a content smile, relishing in the feeling of his muscular arm wrapped around me, his body curved perfectly to mine. We literally fit together like puzzle pieces.

He snuggles me close with his face in my neck, holding out his arm with his phone so the screen is in both of our views. I watch as he scrolls through work emails while occasionally stopping to kiss at my neck. Suddenly, he groans in annoyance, scrolling down through a long email.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" he murmurs into my neck, causing me to look a bit closer at the email. I don't understand much of it so I wait for an explanation. He sighs deeply before locking his phone and letting it fall down onto the mattress.

"What's wrong, baby?" I ask in concern, reaching up to gently stroke his warm forearm that is wrapped around me. He kisses the area under my ear a few times, making me giggle slightly.

"Well, I just got an email from Ms. Collins saying that there is going to be a huge launch for the HexCube in Tokyo, Japan," he begins, making me smile wide.

"Oh my gosh, that's so awesome, Haz!" I exclaim, gently squeezing his forearm.

"Yeah, but now, my business executives have arranged for me to attend this launch in a few days," he explains, making my heart sink slightly. I swallow hard and turn over, looking at him with a worried expression.

"Y-You have to go to Japan?" I ask in a hoarse voice, swallowing hard. He looks me in the eyes apologetically before pressing his lips into a flat line and nodding.

Always On My Mind (Sequel to Always In My Heart)Where stories live. Discover now