Chapter 19- Gone

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I sob loudly from underneath of the gag that is tied around my face, my cheek colliding with the mattress of my apartment bed as David pushes me down harshly. My hands are tied tightly behind my back, tears dripping uncontrollably down my face.

"Shut up!" David yells loudly, making me cringe and begin to shake a bit more. I lie face down on the bed, afraid to move a muscle. I feel David's hand run down my clothed back, his fingertips brushing the exposed skin at the bottom of my t-shirt. A terrified chill runs up my spine, covering my body in goosebumps.

"Oh, you like that, baby?" he asks in a quiet tone, making me shut my eyes tight and cry loudly behind the gag. I gasp as David quickly pulls me up on my knees by yanking on my hair, more tears welling up in my eyes. He brings his mouth close to my ear from behind, my whole body shaking in terror.

"Love seeing you like this, Louis. You look so innocent, helpless... submissive," he whispers in my ear, causing me to sniffle hard and whimper softly.

"Yeah, baby. So fucking sexy," he whispers, running his hand down my torso and to my clothed crotch, grasping it tightly. I suck in air abruptly, wanting to so badly just run away; so badly wanting to be back at Harry's house where I am safe.

Why am I so stupid?

"Now, I want you to listen very closely to me," he begins to explain, massaging my crotch in his hand, causing me to swallow hard in fear.

"We're going to give your boyfriend a little present, okay?" he says, making me blink quickly and sniffle hard, extremely confused.

"We're going to get you looking so sweet and pretty for the video we are going to send him," he says, making me go wide-eyed in panic, absolutely scared to death.

"Sound okay, honey?" he asks, making me begin to cry loudly, muffled as I scream. David quickly yanks on my hair and slaps me in the side of the head, making me go dizzy and tone down my cries.

"I'll take that as a yes."


Harry's POV:

I glance over at the digital clock on the nightstand that now reads, 3:52 a.m. I sigh loudly, running my hands down my face in frustration that I can't sleep. I pick up my phone and check it for eightieth time, still not receiving any texts from Louis. I have tried calling him dozens of times, as well as sending many texts. I am worried sick, my stomach turning as I lie in the darkness of my hotel room.

After a few minutes, I finally realize that I have had enough and decide to call the night shift security guards. I quickly scroll through my contacts, finding Archie's number and pressing call, holding the phone up to my ear.

I have to get up in almost two and a half hours.

I am not going to look so great for the promo video that we are filming in a few hours...

But obviously, Louis is more important.

"Hello?" Archie says when he picks up, causing me to sigh in relief that he has answered.

"Archie, it's Harry."

"Oh, hello, Mr. Styles! You are up rather early this morning," he says with a surprised chuckle, making me glance over at the clock once more and smirk.

"Eh, more like up rather late... I haven't gone to sleep yet," I explain, Archie making a small noise of surprise.

"Oh, wow! I see! Well, what can I help you with, Mr. Styles?" he asks, a hint of nervousness in his voice as he laughs slightly and clears his throat. I squint my eyes in suspicion, my heart beginning to race a bit faster.

Always On My Mind (Sequel to Always In My Heart)Where stories live. Discover now