Chapter 25- Mon Amour

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I sit at Harry's desk in his office, carefully shuffling through papers as I listen to quiet music on the computer. I hum happily to myself, sorting through bills like an expert. Harry has been teaching me how to do my stay-at-home, secretarial job, actually surprising myself at how quickly I have caught on.

I lean back in the swivel chair, carefully typing in numbers on the computer. Harry is out on his morning run, having left about twenty minutes ago. I continue to punch numbers in, tossing unnecessary papers into the rubbish bin. I make sure to double check everything, being careful that I do not make a careless mistake. I shake my leg slightly, continuing to go through the stack of papers.

I squint in suspicion when I see the corner of an odd paper sticking out of the stack, a few more bills to go before I reach that particular one. The paper is different than the other bills, sparking my curiosity. I cautiously handle the necessary bills that are covering it before I pull the top paper away, revealing a grey-colored envelope. I furrow my brows and pick it up, feeling it in my hands in suspicion.

I clear my throat and sit back in the chair once more, carefully ripping open the envelope. I take out the paper inside, assuming that it is probably just an unopened bill. But when I open the paper completely, my heart begins to race in my chest.

A picture falls out of the paper, landing in my lap. I pick it up and admire it, smiling wide as I admire it. The picture is the one that Harry and I had taken in front of the Eiffel Tower when we were in France, a few nights after we first met. It is the particular photo where Harry surprised me by kissing me. I smile warmly, my eyes crinkling at the corners as I stare at it. My gaze quickly flickers down to the paper, seeing that it is a letter written in familiar, beautiful, cursive writing:


Dearest Louis,

Remember this day? Remember the night that this picture was taken? Of course, you do! I mean, I would sure hope so...

This was only a few days after we first met, still in that adorable, awkward stage of beginning to grow fond of one another. I can't help but smile like a fool as I think back to it.

Little did we know how far we would actually come together.

I am not exactly sure if you remember, but the day we first met was on October 13th; the grand opening of the museum, a.k.a. the best day of my entire life.

As you probably now realize, October 13th is only a few days from now; five to be exact. So, I would like to give you our little "anniversary" present early.

Pack your bags because we are going to Paris, just the two of us, to have a little vacation together. I believe that we both really deserve it, also a nice way for us to celebrate the one year anniversary of our love.

I figured that you would also enjoy going to see your painting again at the museum, being that you only had the opportunity to see it at the opening of the building itself.

We will be leaving for Paris in two days, staying until the sixteenth, a solid week in the city that worked such magic on our blossoming relationship.

I can assure you that the week we spend in Paris will be absolutely unforgettable.

Jusque-là, mon amour,

- H. x


My hands shake as I hold the paper, tears quickly flooding my eyes. I slap a hand over my mouth, so excited and touched that Harry remembered the exact day that we met. I was a bit worried that he had forgotten.

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