Chapter 12- Why

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One Week Later

I sit at the kitchen counter with Rory, pulling grapes off of the bunch that is sitting in a large bowl. I watch the news as it plays on the flatscreen that is mounted on the wall. Rory scrolls through her phone aimlessly.

"So, how is Harry feeling?" Rory asks curiously, looking up at me as she pulls a few grapes off of the bunch. I nod and put a grape in my mouth, chewing it slowly.

"He's doing a little better, I guess..." I respond, looking down at the countertop with a shrug.

"That's good," she says contently with a nod, continuing to scroll through her phone.

"Yeah. He still gets depressed about it occasionally, but not as bad as he broke down on the first day he found out about Ava," I explain, watching as Rory listens to me intently. She presses her lips into a flat line and nods, taking a deep breath.

"I think we are going to visit her in the hospital sometime soon. I know that they just admitted her to start treatments two days ago. I feel so awful for her. She's still so little... just a baby!" I explain sadly, grabbing a few more grapes.

"This whole thing has caused Harry to start worrying a lot about when he has kids someday. He told me the night that he found out about Ava that he doesn't know how he will ever be able to be a good father. He thinks that he is going to be extremely overprotective," I say with another shrug, looking over at Rory.

"But the thing is, you are a great parent if you are overprotective. But Harry thinks that he is going to be the, "wrap my kids in bubblewrap to go play outside" type of overprotective," I add with a giggle, shaking my head. Rory laughs slightly and continues to eat grapes with a smile.

"He's so funny," she says with a giggle, going back to scrolling through her phone. I hear the sound of the front door opening, making me smile. I listen to the sound of familiar footsteps entering the kitchen, causing me to turn around on the kitchen stool with a smile. Harry smiles wide and strolls over to me, wrapping me up in his arms.

"Hey, baby," Harry says happily, planting a chaste kiss on my lips. I smile happily and blink fondly up at him.

"Hi, honey," I respond, kissing him once more before sitting back on the stool. "How was the meeting?" I ask curiously, happily playing with Harry's black tie. He is wearing a fitted grey suit and he looks amazing.

"It was great!" Harry exclaims happily, stroking the back of my hair lovingly. "Ms. Collins, great to see you, as always," Harry says with a cheerful smile. Rory smiles happily and waves as she continues to eat grapes.

"And you, as well, Mr. Styles," she responds with an amused smirk, laughing silently and shaking her head.

I watch as Harry walks around the counter, opening the fridge to grab some of his green power juice that looks absolutely disgusting. He opens the bottle before grabbing a glass from the cabinet, pouring the juice almost up to the rim.

"Ew," I murmur, sitting with my elbows on the counter, propping up my chin on my palms. He looks up at me with an amused expression, putting the cap back on the bottle.

"What? It's really good! And you have never even tried it!" he exclaims with a laugh, putting the bottle back in the fridge. I look at Rory and silently fake gag, making her laugh slightly. Harry turns back around from the fridge with an amused look in his eye, shaking his head.

"Here, try some," he says, scooting his glass across the countertop. I eye it suspiciously, wearily looking at the green substance in the glass.

"Is it going to kill me?" I ask, raising the glass up to my nose to smell it. My eyes widen and I blink wildly, looking over at Harry. I fake gag once more, putting my hand on my chest. It doesn't really smell like anything, but I just like being dramatic around Harry. I always thoroughly enjoy annoying the shit out of him.

Always On My Mind (Sequel to Always In My Heart)Where stories live. Discover now