Chapter 17- Boss Man

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I stare out of the car window as I sit in the backseat of the black SUV, Archie driving me home. The sky is dark now, the bright, London lights contrasting beautifully with the black of the night. I watch the lines on the road pass by quickly as the car moves along the highway, becoming very hypnotizing.

I am quickly snapped out of my daze when I realize that Archie has been saying my name, trying to get my attention.

"Mr. Tomlinson?" he asks, obviously confused why I won't answer him. I look up to meet his eyes in the rearview mirror, blinking quickly.

"I... I'm sorry... I was just-" I begin, stuttering out an excuse as Archie quickly stops me.

"Mr. Tomlinson, are you alright?" he asks in concern, allowing his eyes to gravitate back to the road. I blink in confusion, wondering how he knows that something is wrong.

"Uh, yeah! Why?" I ask, trying my best to play it off.

"Um, you are crying...?" he responds, looking at me again with concerned eyes in the mirror. My eyes widen and I quickly reach up to feel my cheeks, noticing that they are wet. I quickly wipe the tears away, sniffling slightly.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine," I say quickly, trying to not make a big deal about it. I watch as Archie looks at me sympathetically before his eyes meet the road once more.

"He'll be back before you know it," he says reassuringly, somehow knowing that Harry leaving for Japan is the reason why I am upset. I look down at my hands that are folded in my lap, nodding slightly.

"I sure hope so," I respond quietly, looking out the window once more. I let out a deep breath, trying to think of ways I will be able to distract myself while Harry is gone.

"Mr. Styles gave me strict orders to stop and get you something to eat because Ms. Peterson is not at home to cook you something," Archie explains, sliding his hands up and down the steering wheel. "So, where would you like to stop?" he asks curiously, raising his eyebrows. I look up at him and press my lips into a flatline, shrugging.

"I'm not very hungry, but I know that Harry will throw a fit if I don't eat. Wherever is perfectly fine," I respond with a shrug, watching as Archie continues to drive. He opens his mouth to ask me again where I would like to go, but closes it after realizing he isn't going to get anywhere with his questioning. He simply nods and continues to drive as I stare out of the car window blankly.


"Yes, Mr. Tomlinson?" he asks, looking in the rearview mirror.

"After we get food, can we swing by my apartment for a minute before we head home?" I ask curiously, locking eyes with him.

"Of course, sir," he responds, his eyes shifting back to the road and mine flickering back to the night sky outside of the car. I slide my hand in my pocket, pulling out my phone and unlocking it. I decide to text Nikki and see if she wants to hang out tonight:


To: Nikki

Hey. On my way back from the airport. Harry left for Japan today for a launch in Tokyo. Have the house to myself and wondered if u wanted to come over...?


I press send and let out a deep sigh, laying my head back against the headrest, watching as Archie pulls into a McDonald's drive thru. My phone buzzes on my leg, causing me to pick it up and read the response from Nikki:


From: Nikki

Sure! Was wondering why I hadn't heard from u in awhile... When do you want me to come over?

Always On My Mind (Sequel to Always In My Heart)Where stories live. Discover now