Chapter 5- Cheshire

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I lie on Harry's bed, my mind swirling like a whirlwind as I stare at the ceiling. The ceiling fan is turned on medium, gently blowing cool air on my face. I allow my eyes to close for a minute, my head reeling as I try my hardest to relax. But relaxing after a day like today isn't the easiest task to complete.

It is so frustrating to me that this unknown person purposely pushed their way into my life, and then expects me not to question her about it. It makes me livid just thinking about her trying to ignore my question in the coffee shop this afternoon. Why would she tell me that she knows me and that she is sorry if she didn't want me questioning her further about it?

I keep my eyes closed as I hear the bedroom door creak open, as well as familiar footsteps entering the room. The bed sinks down a bit on the right side of me as Harry's scent fills the air. I feel soft lips against mine, planting a few gentle kisses there before pulling away. I sigh into the kisses, really not putting any effort into kissing him back. I can hear his deep sigh as he pulls away, causing me to open my eyes.

I blink blankly up at him as he lays on his stomach next to me, his forearms propping his body up. I shift around on my back, making a bit more room for him. I reach up and gently begin to stroke his soft hair, staring him in the eyes.

"I'm so sorry," he mutters after a few minutes of complete silence. I blink confusedly up at him, continuing to run my fingers through his hair.

"For what?" I ask in confusion, furrowing my brows. He swallows hard and looks down before responding.

"It just seems like life was much simpler for you before I came into your life," he whispers under his breath, eyes becoming sparkly. I swallow hard and quickly shake my head, pulling him closer to me. He lies on his side, his hand propping up his head as he gently begins to stroke my arm with the other hand.

"Baby, that is not true and you know it," I say, my fingers caressing the back of his curls. "Let me put it this way, life may have been simpler before I met you, but I didn't enjoy life half as much as I do now," I explain, watching as his lips quirk up into a small smile.

"Really?" he asks with bright eyes, causing me to smile and hug him close to me.

"Of course, honey. You make my life worth while," I say confidently, receiving a few more gentle pecks on my lips. I smile in between kisses, relaxing a bit when I feel his large hand stroke my cheek as he kisses me. I bite my lip when he pulls away, staring happily into his eyes.

"I promise you that I have never been so happy," I say reassuringly with a small smile. Harry smiles in relief and nods quickly, burying his face in my hair as he hugs me tight.

"Likewise, Louis," he whispers, kissing my temple lovingly. I giggle quietly and stroke his back gently.

"Come on, dinner is almost ready," he says, standing up from the bed and proffering his hands to me. I grab his hands and pull myself up so I am standing on the bed. He quickly scoops me up in his arms bridal style, making me squeal in surprise. He laughs and gently kisses my nose, carrying me out of the bedroom.


"So, how has everything been, my love?" my mum asks happily on the phone.

I sit cross-legged in the armchair in the living room, eating a bowl of ice cream after dinner. The highlights from the Manchester game play on the flatscreen as I stare at it blankly, thinking of how to respond to my mum's question. I take another bite of ice cream, staring down at the bowl.

"Everything has been fine, Mum," I respond, trying to sound the slightest bit believable. She hesitates for a second before talking more, surprising me that she is not questioning me any further.

Always On My Mind (Sequel to Always In My Heart)Where stories live. Discover now