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        A car stopped in front of a huge gate of one of the best  science College in Seoul.  Two people came out from the car and stood there looking towards the view of the campus. One is standing there with huge grin 😀 on his face and other person with a nervous smile..

 One is standing there with huge grin 😀 on his face and other person with a nervous smile

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   " it's my first day of college mom...why are u looking nervous like this is your fresher day . Huh.." a boy with black hair and cute bunny smile asked his mom while looking around the campus garden.

   " I am not nervous about you..I am tense about this campus..you are going to study here...they don't know what are they gonna face ." His mom said with a long sigh...

" oh..come on mom..I am not that bad..and I promised you that I will be good boy..I won't fight unnecessarily...I will study hard and make you proud...and jeon jungkook will never break his promise. " jungkook said with a sweet smile.

His mother smiled and hold his face between her hand..

" I know baby...and your promise is the only thing that we are letting you leave alone here in college dorm..and baby..as I always tell you..never fight unnecessarily but if they try to hurt you..you should protect yourself and your loved ones..ok..so take care " Mrs jeon said and hugged her son.

" I will mom..don't worry..now you go..hyung will be waiting for you..I will visit home after settling things here ok" boy said to his mom and kissed her cheeks..

They both tell goodbye to each other . His mom went away in her car while jungkook enters in college campus.

He is looking around to find his classroom. Suddenly someone bumped to him and that guy fell on the ground.  Jungkook helped that pink hair boy to stand on his feet.

" sorry..sorry..I didn't saw you..please sorry " pink hair boy started to panic.

" hey..don't worry..it's ok..I also didn't saw you..." jungkook said .

" actually I am looking for my class..do you know where is physiotherapy 1st year student ' s class PHS1 is??" Pink hair boy asked looking towards jungkook with a hope.

" you are looking for PHS1 class...then let's find together because I am also looking for that.." jungkook said and smiled towards the other.

" you are also a fresher...hello I am jimin..Park jimin" pink hair boy introduced himself.

" hi..I am jeon jungkook..you can call me kook..I think we are classmates...let's find our class room now..we are already late" jungkook said and dragged jimin with him towards the building.

They both roaming in building to find their classroom but they got confused.

" we are roaming here for 10 minutes kook..let's ask someone for directions " jimin said looking around to find anyone so they can ask help.

" let's ask them..." jungkook pointed toward a group of boys who were standing near the stairs.  Both fresher go towards the group.

" excuse me..can you show us the direction for class PHS1 "  jungkook asked .

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