Je ťaime

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Taehyung ran outside from house..his heart have mixed feelings..' jungkook kissed him infront of everyone.. does he also like him..or did he just do that as a prank...and where did he ran away...' different thought started to roam in his mind.

Taehyung stood near the big gate of the mansion.  Gate is closed.  He asked the gatekeeper if he saw jungkook but answer was negative.

He sigh in relief..jungkook was still in mansion.  Tae started to look around the garden. Soon he heard some murmuring sound coming from the backyard of the house. He slowly followed the voice. After taking some steps he saw a figure sitting on the bench near the bushes.  Tae took baby steps..don't want to scare younger. He stood behind him.

    Jungkook,  who ran from the house out of embarrassment, don't know where to he ran towards the backyard.  He saw a bench and sat there.. he started to think about his action. He hide his face in palm , crying over it.

" you stupid jungkook...what you what will all think about you...and ..and..Tae...he will hate can I face him now...huhhhh...." jungkook was repeating this back to back.  He didn't notice the presence of another person behind him who was chuckling over this.

Taehyung was standing there...hearing all the blabbering of younger..a foolish but sweet smile was present on his face..he is liking this side of jungkook, who is always play cool and bratty boy in college. When he noticed that the younger is silent now, he slowly came forward and sat on the same bench near jungkook with keeping a small distance between them.

Jungkook flinched when he noticed the presence of other beside him. He knows that it's Taehyung.  He didn't look up from his lap...staring at hands on his laps..he don't have courage to face elder.

Some minutes passed. No one uttered a single word..both sitting there in silence.  The silence broke down with some whimpering from younger.  When jungkook noticed that elder just sitting there without talking to him ,he concluded that Taehyung hates him now and it broke his control over his tears...his Bambi eyes filled with tears..soon his cheeks getting wet with the salty water..

Taehyung heard the whimper...he panicked and kneeled infront of younger ,captured his hands from his laps. Taehyung sat there in silence to give space to younger to calm down but he never expected that jungkook will cry and that made him panic.

" jungkook...jungkook..please look at me...stop crying " Taehyung said and try to lift younger face. Jungkook shook his head continuously..crying harder now. Taehyung used a little force to lift his face...he never wished to see younger in this situation.  Face fully red because of crying... he slowly wiped his tears but it's getting wet again with fresh tears ..

" jungkook...why are you crying...what happened " Taehyung asked like he don't know what happened just some time before.

" I kissed you infront of everyone...sorry..." jungkook said still crying and thinking about it.

" why did you do that hmmm?" Taehyung asked in soft voice but jungkook thought elder is angry at him.

" I am sorryyy....I shouldn't have do that...I just couldn't control my self when I mean when I thought Jennie is going to kiss you...."  jungkook said ...hearing this a small smile blossom on taehyung face.

" and why can't you control yourself " He asked again.

" BECAUSE I LOVE YOU....I can't see any other girl kissing you.." jungkook said in louder tone and looked at elder.. when he saw Taehyung staring at him..he hung his head low again...the louder cry became small whimpering now..

Taehyung felt his heart will burst with happiness in anytime...this is what he was waiting for..3 words...thats what he was longing to hear from younger....

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