parfum vanille..

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"WHAT !!!"

Both jungkook and Taehyung stood in room frozen.

Jungkook came forward and moved tae aside and opened the door slightly to peek out. He saw Jin and hobi sitting on couch , Namjoon setting the game and yoongi laying on couch as usual.

Jungkook take his head back in room and closed the door.

" what will we do now...they can't see us...specially like this " jungkook said while pointing his outfit now.

" I don't know what to do...I never thought they will come here this time...have to do something before anyone see us " Tae said and started to think about something.  Both are walking back and forth in that room.

Meanwhile downstairs...

" it's been so long we didn't play together " jin said while securing his place on the couch . Hobi joined him. Yoongi find his usual spot and layed there.

Namjoon came from his room with new game in his hand. He started to arrange it.

" I saw Taehyung's car he came back from the meeting early " Namjoon asked...

" how I suppose to know that joon...let me check in his guys start the game..I will get tae too.." jin said while walking upstairs towards a particular bedroom.

Tae heard the footsteps coming towards his room . He panicked..

" fuck..!!..someone is coming have to hide..." Tae said trying to find a spot for hiding younger . He saw the open wardrobe.  Tae lifted jungkook and placed him in wardrobe.

" what the hell are you doing?" Jungkook yelled with low voice..Taehyung shushed him. Tae came closer to him and stand between his legs. Jungkook eyes went wide...they are very close to each other.....they were looking at each other without blinking.  That's when jin barged in the room.

" Tae...where are you..." jin asked entering the room..

" Hyung..I am here...wardrobe..taking clothes " Tae said only letting his head out from the cupboard.  This way jin can only see Tae standing in front of wardrobe but he don't have any idea what inside the doors.

Jin sat on bed . " how was the meeting with coach ?"

" huh...meeting??" Tae frowned. Jungkook who was sitting inside the cupboard pinched his arm and tae glared at younger.  Jungkook  gestures his about the excuse he said to hyung. Realizing what other meant..Tae said.

" yahh..that was good..I just came home now.."

" ohh...we are going to try new game which joonie brought..come downstairs after changing ok.."

" yes hyung "

" why are you still standing there..can't you find anything to wear...should i help you..?" Jin said coming towards the wardrobe.  Both taekook panicked.  Tae move a little more closer towards the younger.  Now jungkook become sandwich between Tae and cupboard.

" NO!!!.. I mean.. I got it..look " Tae said and took a t shirt from inside and shown to jin.

" ok..come fast..I am going . " jin said and went out.

Now our two boys who are stuck inside the small wardrobe space. Looked towards eachother.. they are too close to each other...air can barely pass between them. Tae standing between jungkook leg and younger hand on Taehyung's bare shoulders...making atmosphere too hot to handle.

Tae tried to move back but again they heard the voice from outside.  Jungkook wrapped his hand around tae's neck in panic making Tae to hug younger.  Tae face is now close to younger neck...

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