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    5 days past...there is only  2 days left for jimin's birthday.  Tae , yoongi and jungkook doing their best for the date.

  Taehyung booked the rooftop of the restaurant for date night.. jungkook thought about the decoration theme and  Yoongi practicing for his proposal...

In between these 5 days..jungkook and Taehyung work together without any fight ..both went to the restaurant too for checking that place . Yesterday jungkook gave list of things he wanted for decoration to tae..because he is the one who is going to buy that...the birthday is on they glad that they don't have to bunk classes. 

Between these days...the planning trio will sneak out from their group telling different excuses which is not that digestible for others.

Now its Thursday.....2 more days for date..jungkook and Taehyung have to go to restaurant for set the decoration there. Jungkook said to their group that his mom's friend want to meet him so he is going out. Tae said he have a important  meeting with coach so is going there. Others are sitting in cafe now...

" I am sure we missed something " hobi said sipping his coffee  ...

" what are you saying ?" Namjoon asked...

" about our maknae...don't you guys think..there is something which we don't know ..hmmm..?" Hobi explains.

" I also think so...did you guys noticed..they don't fight often  nowadays.... ." jin asked.  Others nodded their head in approval.  Only one head was hung just listening to them without saying anything ..

" it's true hyung....kookie these days don't blabber about tae did this ,or that...other times he always calls him chimpanzee and all " jimin said coming towards them with plate of snacks.

" yahh...Tae also don't talk anything about Kook...."

" and hyung...kookie comes to room too late these days after his out visits...I asked him where is he going but he didn't tell me " jimin said with a pout..

" don't worry jimin ..we will ask him ok.." jin said. Yoongi sat their with a smirk on his face....

After  spending sometime in's time to leave..

" guys...let's go to my house..I brought new game..let's play tonight " Namjoon suggested.

" game...let's go..." jin said excitedly. Everyone smiled at him.

" should also come with's really fun..." jin asked jimin..

" thanks hyung but...without kookie....hmm...I will join you guys next time ..please " jimin said giving his puppy eyes to all.. finally they accepted defeat and went towards Namjoon house without jimin.
Namjin in joon's car . hobi and yoongi in yoongi's car.


Jungkook is in car with Taehyung.. they are going to restaurant for Decor. Taehyung was driving and jungkook on passenger seat looking out...

Taehyung phone rings and he gets the call.  Jungkook diverted his attention to tae who is driving with one hand on steering and other hand holding his phone near his ear..his veiny hand making some weird feeling in younger. He continously staring at his hands. His bubble of imagination burst when tae called his name.

" Jungkook...jungkook.."

" huh??" Jungkook asked looking at elder with wide eyes..

" hmm..the decoration things which I ordered are received in my home..we have to go there and collect them....then we can go to restaurant....are you ok with this " Taehyung asked still focusing on his driving.

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