Travailleur 💪

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It's the last class of the day. Students are waiting to end the class so they can go to home or to dorm. Our boys are sitting in their seats. They have free hour because professor is absent.

  Jimin explaining some parts of lesson to jungkook which he can't understand from last class.

That's when his heard the conversation going on between 2 girls who are sitting in  front seat.

  " they started to find new staff..I was thinking should I go there" miya asked to her friend.

" they hire only hardworking people..not a lazy person like shut up " mi-sun said .

Jimin heard this and turns towards Jungkook who is looking at him with a blank face..

"Kookie....pls..." jimin asked cutely..

" no jimin..I told you don't need a part time job  .. why are insisting this much " Jungkook said and stared in his book..

" kook..let me ask them where is the job first..ok.." jimin said and turns to girls.

" were talking about some part time job ...where is that ?"

" oh that..we were talking about the coffee shop outside our college "The Magic Shop" ..they are looking for new staff" miya said.

" will they hire college part time workers? " Jimin asked.

" yes..they only hire college students..they want to help students financially. If you want you can go there..but they do 1 week training before hiring " this time mi-sun said.

Meanwhile Jungkook only staring at them with a blank face..he didn't liked the conversation at all.

After getting enough information jimin went towards Jungkook.  Class ended.  Both went to their room.

Night time

Jimin was in bathroom.  Jungkook doing his assignment work. His phone started to ring. Without checking caller ID he accepted the call.

" where is chimmy...why he is not answering my call " Mrs jeon asked from other side.

" He is taking shower..I will tell him when he come out " jungkook said .

His mom can see something is wrong with her son..he is not happy like other times.

" what happened there any prblm "

" mom...jimin is very determined to get a part time job..he was looking for a job from past 10 days...I told him we can share my pocket money or if needed we can also ask you na..but he is saying he wants to save something for future.." jungkook said and sigh..

His mom listened everything and smiled.

" baby..he is's a good thing to become independent..i am proud of him...just think kook..what if I just stop your pocketmoney..what will you do..huh...there is nothing wrong in part-time let him do." mrs jeon said.

" but mom...he is talking about job in coffee shop near our college..what if someone bully know na he is very sensitive "

" you are always with him one gonna bully him.."

" but mom I can't stay with him in job -.. wait a minute...I can be with him all time.." jungkook said with a smile..

" what do you mean " Mrs jeon asked confused

" I am also wanna do part-time job with him..we will go there there will be no prblm " jungkook said satisfying with his idea.

" it's a good idea..but jimin will know that u r doing this for him . He will not allow you to go with him.."

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