Bisou 😘

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Jungkook and jimin was in car with yoongi.  They are going to Kim mansion.  It already they planned, they are going to spend some time in Kim mansion. 

Jimin was in front with yoongi driving the car..Jungkook was sitting behind, looking out...the  orange glow of sunset spreading in sky making it more mesmerizing..

Jungkook stopped admiring beautiful sunset when he saw the sight of Kim mansion.  The car entered inside the huge gate.. jimin having the same surprise look on his face as jungkook when he visit here first time.

Trio get out from the car after parking it on proper place. They went towards the door and yoongi pressed the bell. After some minutes a maid came and opened the door for them.

Yoongi entered first and jimin and jungkook followed him inside.  They saw others are already find a place on couch..Namjoon, Jin and jhope playing game as usual and Jennie and Lisa talking  something with eachother.

Jungkook's eyes roam around the living room to find a particular person but he couldn't..he lift his gaze to look upstairs to his bedroom..but it was closed. 

Jimin dragged him towards sofa and sat there with yoongi.  They all started to plan their night activity when they heard a sweet voice of a women. Jungkook looked up and saw a lady coming with a tray full of snacks.  She have the same boxy smile as Taehyung so it's not that difficult to understand that she is Mrs Kim.

Jungkook and jimin get up from their place and bowed to her.

" good evening Mrs kim" they said in unison..

"Oo...don't be so formal kids....just call me aunty and feel it like your home ok...and let me are jimin...yoongi's  boyfriend " Mrs Kim said while pinching jimin's cheeks. Jimin blushed at the mention of yoongi...others started to laugh.

" are too cute.." then she moved towards jungkook.  Jungkook was looking at her with anxiety...what if she don't like him..

" and are jungkook right?? Taehyung's--" she stopped in middle when they heard a fake cough from non other than Taehyung.  He was coming towards them with his father...he glared at his mother for which she just give him a cheeky smile..

"Hello's been so long you all visited here" Mr Kim said and sat on a single sofa... others joined him on couch..everyone started to talk about random things..but jungkook was confused.

'why aunty didn't complete her sentence..what was she going to say about tae?'  He thought.

There evening went like that ..snacks and playing video games and all..Mr and Mrs Kim spends some time with kids and then they left to meet their friends. 

Time skips

Now everyone had dinner and taking rest in living room..Jin and hobi planning some game to play at night.  They decided to play all night ..

Namjoon , tae and yoongi were talking about their upcoming football match . Yoongi saw jimin and jungkook looking at painting in the hall..Jennie going towards kitchen to take a drink for her.

Yoongi excused himself from discussion and came towards jimin.

" jimin...plese come with me " yoongi said and dragged jimin to a side ..Jungkook didn't even realize that jimin is not beside  him.

" what happened hyung?" Jimin asked confused.

" it's time to work out our plan " yoongi said and whisper something in his ears.

" Hyung I can't do that " jimin said and shook his head in denial.

" it's the only way...jimin..go  please " yoongi said and pushed jimin towards jungkook.

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