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      It's been a month after our boys got part time job in 'Magic Shop cafe' . Everything is going good with everyone...

   Jungkook and jimin are doing well in classes and cafe too. In cafe Jungkook will mainly look after the kitchen. His coffee is the main menu in the shop..jimin focus on serving and attending customer with his polite nature. They also got two friends there Soobin and yeonjun..both boys are younger than jikook duo...they are students in other college.Other staff in cafe are very caring also.

  Whenever jimin feel uncomfortable around any customer , soobin or yeonjun replace him and handle the situation without involving jungkook because they don't want to make a chaos over there...

In their academics..they are doing all their assignments and everything in time along with their job. Jin is really proud of them..

Mention of Jin...he is very happy with his new babies but he really missing his friends.  It's been 6 weeks they left for sports tournament...they have to stay there 2 week for some special training...

But finally ..wait is over..they all are here...yesterday night they all landed in their hometown. 

Right now , Jin is waiting for everyone in canteen..he messaged in group chat to come to canteen.  He is finally going to meet his whole group after long 6 weeks..

What to say about his friend group...they are the most famous gang in the college..this group has the most handsome and talented boys of the college.

First of all ..Kim Namjoon...our Jin's boyfriend..he is the leader of the group. He has a very sharp brain..he don't react on impulse..instead he understands the situation and make proper decisions for every problem..he is the vice captain of the campus football team..

Then comes Kim Seokjin...the world wide handsome guy of the campus...he is very mature and kind to everyone.  He acts like mother to their group.  Always support everyone in their different times.

Now..the savage guy ...Min of the best players in the history of this campus...stay silent most of the time but nothing can hide from his eyes...very keen observer...loves is friends a lot.

Then comes our sunshine called hobi...Jung hosoek....if we can call Namjoon as brain of the group..we can say hobi is the heart ❤of the it..he has a magical happiness around him can make anyone smile...he is the health representative of the football he have to go with them abroad for tournament.

Last but not the least...Kim Taehyung...the heartrob of the college...captain of football team and maknae of the group...he is cold as ice to everyone other than his friends and family...his aura seems very dangerous whenever he gets angry..only person with death wish will go infront of him that time...he becomes very soft only to Jin...he respect Jin alot..more than his own brother Namjoon....

So back to time...Jin is waiting for everyone and he saw one by one everyone coming towards him..Namjoon came and jin hugged him..he really missed his boyfriend..with a small kiss they pull apart and sat beside each came a hyper hobi with his sleepy cousin min yoongi and sat with namjin..last Jin saw Taehyung coming towards him and sat next to him...his mood doesn't look good..he is mumbling something but he can't understand anything..

" what happened....why are u grumpy ?" Hobi asked looking towards Taehyung..

" may be some random girl proposed him in his way here " yoongi said while laying his head on the table. Jin is observing everything..his is sure something happened to his taebear..

" no..thats not the case this time...had a bad encounter with a wild bunny " Taehyung said while gritting his teeth...

" our college have bunnies.??..I never saw any pets here" hobi asked confused.

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