Amizade 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

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    " kookie....what do you wanna eat today?" Jimin asked while both of them Going towards the college cafeteria..

" let's see what's on menu " jungkook said ..

It's been a week since their classes started.  They are enjoying their class and surrounding.  Their classmates are really friendly..everyone goes along...

They both are happy as roommates also..they become really close by this week. Jimin adore Jungkook as his younger brother..he don't miss his family that much now..he is happy with the love and care he getting from jungkook and his mom..

Jungkook talked about jimin to his mom..she is very kind lady..she really like by this little time they both made a bond of mother and child...she always calls jimin first in a day to ask their well-being.  Jimin feels really special when his mom aka Mrs jeon treat him like her own son..

By this one week..both our boys are pretty much famous in their class because of thier behavior and sweet nature towards professors and classmates.  And also because they are very pretty.  Some were jealous of them but no one want to harm them..

Other than that  Both are aware of  shameless gaze they get whenever they pass some perverted  boys or girls but they don't want to mess with other specially now jimin know about the fighting nature of jungkook as his mom told him to stay away from getting into whenever some heated situations come jimin just drag kook out of there.

Jungkook is controlling his maximum so that he don't want to break his promise to his mother.  Whenever seniors comments on them he just want to break their face so that they can never speak but jimin always drag him away..he is always ready to throw hand on them if anyone say something bad about his jiminie hyung...yes..jiminie hyung...whenever jungkook need any help from pink hair boy he just have to address him as jimin hyung with puppy eyes..jimin do that without further questions...

So for now they are going towards the cafeteria because it's thier lunch time.. they always seat together as they enjoy their own company.

They both find a table and sat their with food and started to eat..everyone having their food..some students seating alone , some having fun chat with group of people..

Jimin saw 4 senior boys seating opposite to their table and looking towards them..he is sure that they are talking about them. He just want to finish his food and go to library.. because he noticed that Jungkook also know about the boys because kook just fisted 👊 his hand due to anger..if jungkook loose control then he don't know how to stop younger.

Jimin finished his food and ask kook to came with him to library.  Jungkook get up and glared towards the group of boys.

They were going towards the stair when..

" kookie..I forget to take my notebook..I have written all reference points in them..let me go and take it from locker...I will be back soon."
Jimin said and turned to leave.

" Wait...I am coming with you..I don't want to stand here alone..come." jungkook said and both made their way towards the locker room.

When both of them were near the door..they heard some noise from inside. Jimin held kook's hand and stopped him from going inside.  They heard a girl crying..more like asking someone to leave her..both boys panicked and burst in to the room..

They saw  2 girls who are senior pinning another girl to wall of the locker room..other two girls cutting hair of that poor girl who is crying badly.

" what the hell are you doing..leave her" jungkook yelled and went towards the girls..he pushed the girls who were holding other. The crying girl ran from there .

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