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Taehyung and jungkook sat face to face on the chair in rooftop. Taehyung dragged jungkook with him to rooftop without getting notice by anyone. Jungkook who was in daze allowed tae to take him .

They came to rooftop and sat on the chair . Now it's been more than 10 one talked anything.  Jungkook asked by breaking the silence.

" why did you take me here ?"

Taehyung take a deep breath and said.

" I want to talk to you about something..more like..I want your help "


Taehyung noticed the confusion on younger face and continued

" yoongi hyung send me here.."


" as everyone can see..yoongi hyung like jimin he wants to know about jimin's feelings.."

" and what if jimin likes yoongi hyung too then ? "

" Hyung wants to propose him..he heard that you and jin hyung talking about jimin's birthday next wants to propose him on his birthday "

" ohhh...I see.."

" so what do you think ...jimin likes him "

" hmmm...I think so..because he can't stop talking about yoongi hyung all the time..and I am also ok with their relation "

" no one asked your opinion here"

"  then why I am here huh.."

" look..I don't want a fight right now..I came here because hyung told me..he said if your answer is positive then we all 3 can meet in evening to plan his surprise "

" why only 3 of us..what about others?"

" joon hyung is busy with some work..Jin and hobi hyung can't keep secrets well..if they will know..they can't stop themselves from teasing both it's better if we 3 work on it.."

" oh..ok...soo....that it..??"

" yah..thats it "

" this is all you wants to talk ?"

" yes..were you expecting something else ?" Tae asked suspiciously.  Jungkook only shook his head as no..

" then we can go first...if they will see us together..they will doubt " Tae said.

Jungkook stood up from the chair and started to go out. He stopped and turn to elder.

" we never talked this calmly to hate me right...then how you agreed to talk to me..?" Jungkook asked with a frown.

" yoongi hyung never ask any help from anyone..but this time he I can't say no to him..and I don't hate you" Taehyung said the last word in lower tone but jungkook heard them clearly.  A cute bunny smile appeared on his face. He hide it before elder can see.

" ohh..ok then..see you in evening. " jungkook said and ran away from there.

Tae sat on the chair again looking towards the door.
" it's true that hyung asked me help..but how can I miss the chance to getting close to you " Taehyung said and smiled...

Afternoon went like that. They all attended their classes.  Now college time is over. Everyone are going towards the exit gate.

" go to cafe..I will take leave today..I have some work outside " jungkook said stopping at the gate.

" where are you going kookie ? .." jimin asked.

" mom told me to buy her some cosmetic from a shop in I have to go there..don't worry I already asked day off from Mr han...soobin will take my place in cafe " jungkook said.

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