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Jungkook and jimin walking towards their dorm. Yoongi dropped them near the entrance gate. It's already night.

" jungkook..can I ask you something." Jimin asked while walking towards their room.

" yes jiminie..." jungkook said cutely while playing with him iron man toy.

" do you really like seo joon hyung " jimin asked when they reach to their dorm room.

Jungkook stood their in wide shock for a minute then shook his head . He open the door for jimin who entered in with jungkook following him back. 

" no jimin..I don't have any feelings for him. "

" but you said he is your crush "

" Hyung...there is a very big difference between liking someone and liking someone's talent.  He is one of the best football player I have seen. He used to practice with my hyung.  That's why I know about him. He is like my idol. Liking him as idol is different from liking someone romantically.  I admire him for his achievements and the way he play..nothing more than that. " jungkook said and sat on his bed.

Jimin heard everything and nodded his head.

" and other than that..seo joon hyung already has a girlfriend.  He told me that she is very pretty and cute . I saw her pic in his phone. " jungkook said.

" ohhh...I just asked because you were looking very happy with him. Hmm..let me take a quick the way..that toy really look good with you " jimin said and went inside the washroom for his night routine.

The last words of jimin, reminds him of Taehyung.  The way Taehyung said that words in his ear, the way his breath was touching his skin.. he again felt the shiver in his body. He shook his head and straighten his posture.  He placed the toy near his side table. He changed his dress to nightwear and went to bed. He saw jimin coming out from washroom and went to his bed while scrolling in his phone


Taehyung reached his home with Namjoon after dropping Jin to his house. They saw their parents in living room waiting for them. They had their dinner together while sharing about their day with each other.  Kim couple congrats thier kids for winning the game today.

After dinner tae went to his room. He did his night routine and went to bed. He was using his phone..looking between some post of today's game and other things.  Suddenly his phone got a message.  He looked at notification to know that jimin send him a message.

He frowned.  Why will jimin message him at this time. Is jungkook is ok ? ..some thought started to run in his mind. His train of thought come to halt when he get another message from jimin.

He opened their chat to see jimin has sent him a voice recording clip with a message  -

" I think you need to hear this "

Tae played that voice clip.

"Do you like seo joon hyung

No jimin ..I don't have any feelings for him -"

That was the voice recording of what jungkook and jimin talked in their room. Tae heard the way Jungkook answered others question. He felt something heavy burden lifted from his heart. A wave a calmness felt in his body. Words are not coming in his mouth.. . He quickly replied jimin.

" thank you so much "

After sometime he fell asleep while looking pic of jungkook which he cropped from their group pic..

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