Clair de lune..🌛🌕🌜

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  Taehyung and jungkook hiding behind a piller looking towards jimin who is shocked to see yoongi there..

After making sure jimin was standing on correct spot , jungkook came towards the hiding duo tae and yoongi..he pushed yoongi towards jimin after all fairy light started to glow up.

Jimin was in utter shock to see yoongi.  He can't form a word. He was looking around to find jungkook or anyone else..

" Hyung...what are you doing here ?? Where is jungkook " jimin asked while looking around.

Yoongi  who forgot everything he planned to say by only seeing jimin infront of him , trying to move his gaze from that beautiful face , didn't listen what jimin is asking. 

Jimin waves his hand infront of yoongi , thinking if yoongi sleeping like this or what.

Yoongi came back to reality and without thinking he said.

" Happy birthday "

"Huh???" Jimin looks confused.

" Many many happy returns of the day Jimin " yoongi once again said with a little bit of confidence. 

Jimin checked his wrist watch. It's showing time 12.04 and date 13's his birthday...
A sweet smile blossom on his face when he realized that yoongi is the first one to wish him on his special day. He lifted his gaze to find yoongi already looking at him with so much feelings in those eyes.

Yoongi forwarded his hand towards jimin and asked.

" would you like to Celebrate the beginning of your special day with me ?"

Jimin who was still in amazed only nodded his head because he can't trust his own voice now...he place his hand on others hand and yoongi took him towards the table which is decorated with different types of dishes which all are jimin's favorite.

Jungkook and Taehyung watching all this ,hiding behind the piller. Both had a sweet smile on their faces. They are happy for them.

" let's go " Tae whisper to jungkook who was so much into scene infront of him

" where...I am not going anywhere " jungkook said still looking at yoonmin. Tae shook his head..

" what are you waiting for here...let's go from here..or you wanna be third wheel huh.." Tae said and hold younger hand and dragged him downstairs. Jungkook whinned but followed elder because he don't want to be third wheel of course..

They both came out of the restaurant.  The roads was on silent traffic,  no rush of day, no so many people,  ..just the calmness of night...few people walking here and there...only one or two shops are open...

" do you wanna came for a walk " Tae asked jungkook who was looking at the empty roads of busy city...

Jungkook just nodded and both started to walk side by side to eachother...a peaceful silence roaming around them..making the atmosphere more comfortable for them...

" are you feeling cold ?" Elder asked but jungkook only shook his head a no...he really enjoying the silence of nature...they again started to walk without any destination..

After some time they both stopped infront of a small coffee shop..

" let's get something hot to drink " Tae said

" no its ok.."

" you are litterly  shivering need this.." saying this tae dragged jungkook inside the shop..there they saw a old lady,   dozing off on the table...Tae went near her and knock on the table slowly. He don't want to scare her making loud noise.

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