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   Jungkook was mad...totally frustrated over himself...he was restless all the day...reason...he didn't saw Taehyung today...and thats making him restless....

In morning when he entered in college..he didn't saw Taehyung with others...he went to his class thinking that he will see him during lunch..but for his bad luck..Taehyung was not there during lunch hour...jungkook don't know what making him this frustrated because he didn't saw elder.

Everyone around him having lunch while talking random things but jungkook is the only one who is just sitting there without eating...he lost his appetite..he wanted to ask Namjoon about tae but feeling awkward...

Jimin saw some hesitation in younger and understood what he was thinking...

" Namjoon hyung...where is tae...I didn't see him from morning " jimin asked..and if you ask Jungkook...jimin is the angel for him now...jungkook looked towards elder to get the response but his excitement turned to a gloomy face when he heard the reply.

" he went to airport..our childhood friend..Jennie is coming from he went to pick her " Namjoon said .

Jungkook held his head low...he don't know why this hurting him...he get up from his place and went out without saying anything to others. Jimin looks at him concerned.

He attended afternoon classes..but his mind was not with him...only one this was roaming around his mind...Taehyung...why he feeling like this...he knows he a possessive person..he don't like sharing his friends and family with others..but with's something different...different from when someone other talk to his friends..different from when someone get attention from his family...this is whole new feeling of something which he never experienced.

Time skips....

Classes are over..Jungkook with his other hyungs walking out from college.  He was walking behind them. Head hung low...don't interested to taking part in their random conversation...

Everyone stopped when a car came infront of them. Jungkook lift his gaze and saw the car. He knows this car..Taehyung..his lips curved upwards when he saw Tae coming out from driving seat..but that small smile disappeared in a fraction of second when he saw that two pretty girls also getting out from the car with him..

A cute girl..with long black hair....and very pretty face towards them and hugged Namjoon..

run towards them and hugged Namjoon

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" oppaaa...I missed you so much " girl said..

" I missed you too little one..." Namjoon said while patting her head...others were looking at them with adore...but jungkook stood there with poker face... he saw Taehyung and other girl..who has blond hair and very pretty too..coming towards them .

coming towards them

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" hi are you all " the girl with black hair hugged jin . .after that she greet yoongi and hobi..she stood infront of jimin and jungkook with a confused face.. Namjoon understood the situation and came forward.

" let me introduce you to our new maknae...he is jimin and he is jungkook...and guys..she is Jennie..." 

Jimin waves cutely to her..jungkook just smiled  little in introduction..

" you are jungkook...I see.." Jennie said while looking jungkook from top to bottom...jungkook  frowns...

"  how do you know me..?" He asked...everyone around him looking at them curiously..

" of course I will know someone who dares to fight with Kim Taehyung....not like everyone has guts to stood infront of him.." Jennie said with a cheeky smile and turns towards Taehyung.. .Tae just rolled his eyes over her comment and said..

" Stop this nonsense and introduced your friend to everyone ".

" oh..I forget....guys..she is bestie...she will also join this college with me." Jennie said and side hugged Lisa who bows a little to everyone..other  said hello to her....they were talking..thats when jin asked to tae..

" are you guys coming to cafe..."

" no hyung...I have to drop them at home..." tae said...

Jungkook didn't like this and he dragged jimin towards the cafe..

" kookie wait...let them come too..." jimin tried to stop younger...

" if you want you can wait here...I have so much work to do..." jungkook said and went away..jimin stood there in confusion...

He turned when he heard someone calling his name..

"Jimin...can I talk to you a minute.." Tae asked a little hesitantly..

" is it about jungkook??" Jimin asked and  tae nodded.

" as you know...I like him...but.."

" but what...if you like should ask him nah.."

" I know but first I want to know about his feelings towards me..."

" what do you mean "

" the thing is...I am getting confused...sometimes jungkook will talk to me normally..but sometimes he didn't even look at's been more than 10 minutes I am here but he didn't even looked at me...I just came here to see him today but.."  Tae said ..he was feeling sad...he was missing younger whole day...even if they's feel good..thats why he stopped here on the way to home..

Jimin was also confused..he thought jungkook was eager to see Tae.. but now how jungkook reacted made him doubt on his he misunderstood younger over feeling about tae..

" jimin...Jimin..." Tae wave his hand infront of jimin who was lost in his thoughts...jimin shook his head and said tae to continue..

" we are getting friends now...and if he don't have any feelings for me then my proposal will destroy everything...I don't wanna loose can you help me with it jimin " Tae asked hopefully that jimin will help him..

Jimin smiled and patted his shoulder...

" of course I will help you...let me talk to him...I will tell you what to do ok.." jimin said.

Tae with Lisa and Jennie went home and others went to cafe...jimin and jungkook were working but jungkook was gloomy all the time...he even did  mistakes in making coffee...jimin started to get concerned about younger..Jungkook was behaving good till yesterday...what happened to him....

Meanwhile..jungkook was not realizing what's happening around now he get to know that he like Taehyung..however he wants to confirm it...but what if elder don't like him back..he always annoyed him..tease him with creepy names...why would Taehyung like jungkook...all this thought making him mad...


Crystal time🔮


Hi guys.....early update today...I got some free time today so...🤗🤗

Hope you all like this chapter...

Stay healthy and happy 🥰🥰

Byeeee 💜💜💜💜💜

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