Éclat de rire 🤣🤣

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  "What's so funny guys" namjoon asked while walking towards the table where jungkook, Jin,hobi and jimin were sitting and laughing.  Taehyung and yoongi followed him to table and sat on empty chairs.

  " nothing hyung, kookie just telling that how brave he is" hobi said controlling his laugh.

" tell us also, we also want to know" Namjoon said.

" He said once he kicked a tiger " jimin said.

" what!! And ?" Namjoon asked curiously

" then he slapped a gorilla and broke neck of snake " hobi continued.

" woahh...then what happened?" Namjoon asked.

" nothing hyung,..that shopkeeper pushed me out of that toy shop " jungkook said with a pout...

After some seconds of silence everyone burst into  laughter ...even yoongi is smiling but just one guy shook his head and focused on his phone even though he was curiously listening to their conversation.

" oh God kookie...you are spending too much time with jin , hahaha" Namjoon said and again started to laugh.

" is it bad to spend time with me joon?" Jin asked with an eyebrow raise in a question manner

Namjoon panicked and said.
" no baby..I am just telling he is getting good with jokes you know.." Namjoon tried to explain himself.  Seeing this again everyone started to laugh.

It's been more than 1 week, jimin and jungkook joined bangtan group and became a part of that family.  They are perfect fit with them. Everyone in group adores them a lot ..of course except one guy.

Taehyung don't have any problem with them ..even he becomes good friends with jimin easily.  They have so much common interests and all.

And with jungkook... they just have to look at each other and next second you can see both of them fighting like cat and dog... everyday they have new topics for bickering.

Last day they were fighting over whom Jin loves the most..a simple question led to a fight of half an hour and ended with Jin's answer that 'he love himself more than anything. '.

Other day they were arguing over who is jimin's best friend and they still bicker on this because jimin didn't gave an answer.

They are completely new version of Tom and Jerry.  Now bangtan members don't bother to stop them because they know they can't control them so they just enjoy the show.

Bangtan is complete now with 7 members..a happy group.  But many students are jealous of them. Girls are getting jealous on jungkook and jimin..like how can they become so close with the most famous group of the campus.  Some even try to bully them but jungkook's sharp answers just put zip on others mouth.

Now they all are sitting in cafeteria.  Football team members just came from their sports meetings and joined others .

Jungkook stood up from his seat and said.

" Hyung..I am gonna get a banana milkshake, do you guys need anything "

Every shook their head as no ..so jungkook made his way towards the food counter.

A girl came from other side and bumped to him. They both stumble a little but didn't fall.

" hey , can't you see I am coming..why are standing in the middle huh.." she started to shout.

Now this got everyone's attention because she was too loud.

Jungkook looked at the girl and he recognized her..she is the one who tried to bully them and jin saved them.  Sana..

He just give her a bored expression and said.

" what are you..a snake..so when you are coming I  have to change my way..you were the one who bumped to me so better moves side..I have other job than arguing with a makeup factory.."

Sana was shocked. She didn't expect that Jungkook will give these kind of reply.

" huh..look who is talking...aren't you the one who is getting all boys attention with your flirty attitude and calling me a make-up factory. " Sana said and started to laugh with her minions.

Bangtan boys heard this all. They are getting angry on her . Jin is already getting up to slap her but Namjoon holds him..jimin worried about jungkook.  Yoongi held his hand and give a little press as in comforting manner. They have faith in their jungkook.  Taehyung is also looking at jungkook.  He knows that jungkook won't be silent on this comment.  He is waiting for jungkook's reply.

" calling me a flirty person...you should check yourself on mirror I think..or you can ask anyone here..they will tell you who is the biggest slut here...don't you dare to say anything about my character.  I know what I am..if you again dare to bully me or any other students then you will know what can I do so you better shut up and go away. And one more thing..you can keep your no. 1 slut of the campus tag with you..no one else want that ..ok dear ." Jungkook said and winked to her and went to buy his drink.

Sana stood there..middle of the cafeteria with fully red embarrassed face. Everyone Started to laugh. Jin started to whistle and hobi join him with clapping loudly.

" never in my life I felt this embarrassed..I will show you what I can do jeon jungkook. Just wait and watch." Sana said and stormed out from there.

Jungkook took his milkshake and started to take sip and walked towards his hyungs like nothing happened. .
Jin and other praised him for his confidence and fearless nature. Taehyung was also impressed but didn't show on his face. He felt happy when Jungkook shows that annoying girl her actual place.. she is such a pain in ass for every boys in the campus. She finally got what she deserves.

Crystal time 🔮

Éclat de rire (french) - burst of laughter.

Hi guys...I am here with new chapter...I hope you will like this..

Sorry for grammar mistakes..

Stay happy and healthy 💗😊

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