Chérie 😘

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Next day..Jungkook and jimin walking towards the college gate from thier dorm..talking about yesterday night...more like Jungkook teasing his hyungs from yesterday...he got all the details of date...jimin told him how yoongi proposed him and ask to be his boyfriend...of course he hide some things which is personal....

The bell from the Jungkook's phone broke their series of talk...jungkook checked the caller ID and excused himself..he moves a little far from jimin to talk .

Jimin stood near the college gate..looking around...

" I wish I could see yoongi hyung before getting in class" jimin thought .

He flinched when someone tapped on his shoulder.  He moved around to see his wish get fulfilled within seconds.. yoongi standing infront of him with his famous gummy smile..

" what are you doing here ?" Yoongi asked..

Jimin points his finger toward the direction where Jungkook talking on phone...yoongi sees him and nodded.

" can I walk you to your classroom?" Yoongi asked  hesitantly....jimin who was looking at the ground because he don't want to show his red face to his boyfriend..lift his face in shock..

" but kookie..??.." He asked frowning...he wanted to go with elder but he can't leave jungkook here..

" just ask him if he is coming now or not." Yoongi suggested.

Jimin nodded and went towards Jungkook who was discussing something over call.

" kookie..are you coming now..?"

" go ..I will join you later.." jungkook said when he saw yoongi waiting for jimin.. ...jimin nodded his head and move toward yoongi.  Both started to walk towards jimin's classroom.  There is a comfortable silence roaming around them...while walking side by side..their hand touching each other..yoongi tried to hold his hand but pull his hand away being shy...jimin who was walking while looking down,saw how yoongi's hand approaching him ..a small smile came to his lips..he stretched his hand and hold elders hand . He locked their finger .

Yoongi felt the soft touch and a smile blossom on his red face too..they both walked to classroom, holding eachother .

Yoongi dropped jimin to his class and went towards his own. After sometime jungkook also joined jimin in class. Professor came and class Started.  At the time of lunch break..they skipped lunch and went to library.. because of arranging date, jungkook missed some assignments so he have to submit them. Jimin offered help to him. Both worked on lunch break and after that their classes Started again. 

Now it's evening and classes are over.  Jimin and jungkook going towards the cafe for their job.

" did jin hyung called you ,kook ?" Jimin asked..normally bangtan boys always leave from college together..but today , all hyungs are already left early.

" yes jiminie...their classes get over early so they went to cafe.. I told them to wait for us there.." jungkook said and they continued their way to cafe while talking about random things.

Both reached at cafe ..jimin was the first one to enter but he got scared from the sudden pop sounds of balloon around him. He looked around with wide eyes...whole cafe was decorated with balloon and lights...his hyungs , Manager,  his coworkers and jungkook???  ' when Jungkook went there .he was behind him nah ' jimin thought when he saw jungkook also standing with them infront of him..

Jungkook came forward and dragged jimin towards a particular table where a big cake was placed in center..jimin stood infront of it and friends surrounded him..cheering and singing birthday song for him.. tears started to gather in his was something new..special...he never thought he will get a whole new family here...who love him this much..

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