Chapter 9:Visitors from Asmaria

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IT WAS already dawn when Alphonse along with his crew arrived at an old mine field to meet with Dimitri Gabinski.

"Woah, is that our ride?" Wendale exclaimed at the sight of the steel aircraft.

"Mal lent it to me." Alphonse said idly.

Not long after their arrival, two carriages arrived at the same place. It was Dimitri Gabinski with his men and his smuggled goods.

"You've got a good taste, I must say, Mordova." said Gabinski as soon as he saw the aircraft.

"I just want the best for my client."

Gabinski signal one of his men that was holding a briefcase. The man then walks towards Alphonse's direction and unlocked the briefcase in front of him.

"Five-hundred thousand qirsh, as promise." said Gabinski in business manner tone and puffs a smoke from his cigar.

Alphonse took the briefcase and entrusted it to Wendale.

"This way."

Gabinski's smuggled goods were taken to the aircraft's storage compartment. Alphonse and Zhoya sat at the aircraft's cockpit while Gabinski and Wendale sat behind them.

"You're quiet." Alphonse muttered to Zhoya while she's putting her seatbelt. Zhoya cast him a side-eye look.

"Are you sure about this? A life is worthier than a million." said Zhoya darkly.

Alphonse didn't said anything in reply, or perhaps, he doesn't want to. Once he already accept a deal, his decision cannot be changed. He made sure everything is working before taking off.

"Here we go." he mumbled under his breath as the aircraft left the ground and enter the Mist.

It was completely dark in there. Alphonse could barely see anything. With the use of the radar, the journey went on.

"Just in case we won't make it -" Wendale began but he was hushed by Zhoya.

"Dale!" she hissed.

"Shut up, you two. Keep a lookout." Alphonse silenced them both.

"Yes, boss."

Ten minutes or so had already passed and they just keep on going on the same direction. Everyone in the aircraft were still and quiet. They are not quite sure if the absence of valkras in the mid-air is a good sign. It was cold inside the Mist and yet they were sweating profusely. They could hear their own breathing and the pounding of their chests.

"Wake me up once we get there." Gabinski told them and leaned his back against the chair almost comfortably.

Wendale who's sitting next to him cast him an incredulous look. Zhoya shook her head and looked through the window. As the Mist flashed red, Zhoya saw a flock of valkras soaring above them. As she turned her gaze ahead, her eyes went wide as two valkras flew towards them.

"Look out!" she cried.

Her warning came too late, and even it wasn't, they won't be able to avoid it. One of the valkra hit the aircraft's wings while the other one hit the wind shield.

"Saints!" exclaimed Wendale and pulled his revolver as fast as he can.

"What's happening?" asked Gabinski as he was awoken by the noise.

Alphonse tried to keep the aircraft up in the air with immense difficulty. They are now flying lopsided due to the broken wing. But the nightmare didn't end there. A loud bang had startled them all. It was followed by another and with another.

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