Chapter 33: Of Blood and Bait

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THE PROBLEM OF EMOTION IS THAT IT MAKE US WEAK. It drives our impulses, forcing us to makes mistakes. For a simple twinge of our hearts, it can cost us dearly.


Zhoya, Wendale, and Zeka all sat in silence. They were waiting for Alphonse to arrive from his errand. As their trek back to the west drew closer, the crew are already forming a plan and getting their documents ready for a smooth journey back to Asmaria. As for Zeka, he's still contemplating about leaving.

He didn't expect that joining the Gallow will take to the extent that he's going to leave everything behind.

"Don't worry, Ravndal's a better place for you." Wendale kept on reassuring him. But the 50/50 assurance of getting out of the Mist alive concerns him.

"What's wrong, Z?" Wendale spoke.

Zeka lifted his eyes on Wendale. "Huh?"

"You looked miserable." he remarked. Zhoya throw a glance, then return it back to the door. "Haven't I reassured you enough?"

A bead of sweat trickled down his temple.

"It's not that--" They were interrupted by the sound of the bell as the door swung open. Alphonse has arrived.

A look of unfriendly gesture, the leader of the Galow knew how to leave an impression. Women gawked at him as he made his way to his crew. Who doesn't want a smartly-dressed man and money-oriented?

Alphonse paid the strangers no notice.

"Zhoya, have you found Novicoff's whereabouts?" he began as a way to greet.

The girl shook her head. "I cannot longer track his whereabouts as if he's constantly changing locations. The last place he's been was at Lordslane."

A grim expression flashed before Alphonse's face. They need to leave, but he doesn't like the thought of Novicoff still at large in the east.

"Never mind that now. I've got the documents." He continued and place an envelope on the table. Zhoya took it and peek inside.

"What's this?" Zhoya extracted a wax sealed parchment - a letter. "It's address to you." she slid it to Alphonse's direction.

Alphonse took it and a look of curiosity was drawn to his face. His name was indeed written on the back of the letter. He couldn't remember having it along with their documents. Someone must've slipped it, he thought. Did he let his guard down that someone was able to leave a suspicious letter?

He place it in his eye level and inspect its corners. He even tried to smell it but it only smelled like an old book. He's trying to see if it contains poison. But his initial inspection told him there's none.

"I'll take a look on it." He announced and rose from his seat. He headed to their room for privacy.

He put the letter on the table and grabbed a sharp blade to remove the seal. It came out clean. Alphonse unfolds the letter and read what's written on it. It was only short but he was greatly affected by it. He looked at the name of the sender but only the initial was written. He felt a knot tied in his stomach and a strong impulse surging through him. He's a smart person, grown with moral and principles, but all of these were nothing when his emotion is stronger than what his head tells him. Sometimes, we are weaker than we thought.

Five minutes later, he came back downstairs.

"Going somewhere?" his crew asked.

"I've got an errand to do. Don't wait for me." His crew followed him through their eyes until he disappeared from their sight.

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