Chapter 38: Another Leader, Another Offer

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THUNDER ROLLED IN THE AIR as fear slowly crept into my skin when I recalled the familiar line from my dream that sound exactly like what the man had said.

'You cannot save Eritrea'

Could it be possible that they were only one person?

"You..." – I drew a deep breath – "Were you the one who appeared in my dream?"

The side of his lips rose in which it made the hair at my nape stood up.

"In your dream, in your practice, in the forest – everywhere. I always watch you, little saint." He replied. "I am the only one who've seen your worth. Why settle for being a servant when I can make you a Queen?"

His offer took me completely off guard. It rendered me momentarily stunned, but recovered after that.

"And what made you think I'll accept?" I retorted; my brows raised. "I thought you said I cannot save Eritrea. Why the sudden change of heart?"

Another thunder resounded, louder than last time that it made the ground shook.

"You have proven yourself more useful than I thought, Wisteria. Join me and we can rule together."

Another leader, another offer. It made me want to laugh how much they want to use my power – use me.

The noise outside grew louder as if there's something going on. And yet, the man remain unfazed. He didn't let his eyes off me as if I might disappear if he look away. And that's what I intend to do.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I have no intention to rule... or to be used."

I could feel the earth grumbled beneath my feet as a loud explosion was heard outside. And then something unexpected happened. A loud whooshing noise reverberated in the air as if something was shot in the air. Subsequently, I saw what made that noise. A black boomerang-like thing, bigger than a bow, was shot through the stone walls, cutting its way inside. I toppled backwards from the chair when the thing cut the table in half. It was like a solid sword, with fine blade that can cut through anything.

The cold, winter air slipped through the gap of the wall; It made the dust inside scattered even more. I took the opportunity to crawl away from the room.

Mixed voices, shouts, and the sound of rifle rang out. I didn't know what was happening, and I don't plan on finding out.

I could barely see where I was going because of the dust, when someone pulled my hair from the back. I moaned in pain.

"The witch is escaping!" Said an Aldanor. I brought light on my palm and slapped it across the man's face. He screamed and touched his face, forcing him to let go of me. I dashed outside the door and ran away.

When I managed to get out, I was shocked to find shadows towering over the place; Northern men lay motionless on the snow-covered ground, probably dead. Crimson blood trailed on the ground, leading in an endless trail.

I didn't stall much longer and let my feet take me wherever safe. I didn't know where to go, I just want to get away from here.

"Get that girl!" I heard someone shout.

I look behind my shoulders and saw three pursuers. In attempt to shake them off, I called upon the light once more and felt the surge of energy coursing through my veins. I shot a beam up in the air, strong enough to blind anyone who'll see it.

I ran as fast as I could; But I had to admit, I'm not the athletic type and my stamina wasn't trained for this. My chest heaved and my breath came into swallow pant. I cursed when I tripped into something on the ground.

"Where do you think you're going, little saint?" I came into abrupt halt when the Aldanor's leader appeared before me. When did he gets here?

I brought the light on my palm, ready to attack any second. The man took noticed of my intention.

"It shouldn't end like this, Wisteria..." he begun calmly. "I can give whatever you desire, just come with me." He added, extending his hand.

The shadows hovering above us rumbled like dark clouds filled with rain; Red lightning flashed dangerously within it. It looked like the Mist.

I didn't realize it at first, but it was spreading across the sky as if nighttime has fallen over. Who could've summoned it?

I look at the man, he was looking at it too with mild amusement dancing in his gray eyes.

"He'd come at last," he murmured.

I tried to stepped away backwards, but hit something hard behind me. I looked back and saw a towering figure of a man. An Aldanor.

He held my arm rather tightly which made me groan in pain.

"Take her away." Their leader ordered. "He'll come for her."

The Aldanor shoved me on his massive shoulder like a sack of rice and ran. I tried to generate the light, but I lose my focus by hanging upside down. It made me somehow dizzy.

While on the run, or should I say while on top of the Aldanor's shoulder, I saw a familiar hem of black robe. I couldn't see the owner since the Aldanor took a turn.

But then, he was brought down to his knees by some unknown force. I rolled over onto the damp and hard earth when the man was knocked down. He clutched his chest and spewed blood from his mouth. I had to kick my feet on the ground to get away.

A series of thunder resounded in the air, causing my ear and head to hurt. It was followed by shouts and gunshots. I covered my ears with my palm and pressed my eyes shut.

All of a sudden, I felt a gentle hand held mine. I slowly flicked my eyes open, a familiar figure came into focus. My chest began to pound in a quick pace the moment I saw his face.

"Wisteria," he purred. I had to blink twice to make sure it was him and not the Aldanor's leader.

"Darkus?" I mumbled slowly. He smiled.

"You're safe now."

Something ignited inside me upon recognizing his voice. It was the General. My heart leaped with relief that I nearly threw myself at him. But something held me back.  What the other guy told me about him... that he's the true creator of the Mist.  And that he killed people, ruined lives of the innocent. That he's hands were tainted.

"Come," the General offered his hand, but I didn't took it and rose from the ground by myself. 

"I'm fine." I said with a shaky breath. 

"I knew you would come," spoke the Aldanor's leader. I didn't realize how quick these people can move.

The General had taken me by his side as we rose from the ground. His eyes darkened upon gazing at the man.

"And I knew you're alive," the General stated grimly, which brought a smirk to the other's lips.

"How are you, my little brother?"

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