Chapter 39: Fight or Flight

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THE MOMENT I ENTRUSTED my life on General Valinor's hands, I should've known what's ahead of me. I should've known what I'm getting myself into... But the truth is, I don't. And for the first time, I'm scared to find out.

"Ivan, take Wisteria to the ship." the General instructed Ivan, who appeared in his crimson robe with a bloodstain on his cheek.

"Yes, sir."

"Do you think I'd let you do that?" interjected the Aldanor's leader whose name still remain as a mystery for me. "You must be underestimating me."

The ground shook once more and the shadows hovering us rumbled. We heard a distant noise coming from the sea. As our heads whipped on the same direction, we saw a thick, black smoke rose in the air – it's from the port. I return my gaze back to the man, there's a satisfaction in the corner of his eyes. Whilst the General tightened his grip on my wrist; he looked enraged.

"How. Dare. You." the General emphasized each word through gritted teeth.

"You must've forgotten me, little brother. You know I don't take things lightly."

"Do not call me that, it makes me wanna puke my guts out. You were never been my brother, and you will never be!"

There was a strong and visible disgust within those words as if whatever he's coming from, it was way more serious than a mere war between siblings.

And I didn't expect that my speculations were true. They were indeed related – blood related. And while they shot each other a piercing gaze, the fight continued.

The Aldanor soldiers kept coming one after another. But nonetheless, the General's troops had the upper hand. And I don't know what am I doing here, standing when I should be helping.

"Sir—" I begun but my voice was drowned.

"We all want the same, Darkus, why can't you see that?" said the Aldanor's leader. "The Magic Wielders are not born to serve; we are born to rule!"

"And whom do you intend to rule, Davian? The corpse of the dead?" the General countered. So, Davian was his name.

"I will if I must." said Davian. "They don't deserve our mercy, and you of all people must know that!"

I recalled what Davian told me awhile ago, 'You cannot changed the world by merely being kind.' And I can only imagine what they had to experienced to be in this position now.

General loosened his grip on my wrist and let go of it. His gaze lingered on his brother, but I cannot tell what he's thinking at that moment. I never did.

"You cannot be a monster just to kill another monster, Davian." uttered the General in a grim tone.

"But we are already monsters, aren't we?"

Everything went silent after that as though the world has muted itself. I could no longer hear the gunshot, the shouts, nor the whistle of the wind. I looked around, confused. But then, my vision came into a swirl of colors. I pressed my eyes shut, trying to shake off the dizziness.

"Wisteria." I heard a voice calling out my name in an echo.

What was happening?

"Wisteria." the voice called again.

And in a snap, everything turned into black.

"You need to run away." I heard the voice again, this time it was loud and clear. When I turned around, I saw Larisa.


"You need to get away from there, girl. Before it's too late." she said.

"But...the General's here."

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