30. The Village 🏳️‍⚧️ - Erik Jones

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This one holds a special place in my heart and goes out to my trans brothers and sisters. I will always stand in solidarity with you, and fight for you.  If you ever need someone to talk to you can call or text 988, or shoot me a message on here or on Twitter, @ KickitwithK848.  <3 


"Ellie I don't understand. I just don't understand why my 16 year old daughter is talking to me about getting in a race car! No, absolutely not! Go to college and you can be a reporter or something behind the scenes."   "Because Mom, I don't want to work behind the scenes, I want to be out there on the track, just like Erik!" She turned on her heel and ran upstairs slamming her door behind her. 

Let me stop here and exlpain.  I'm Easton, technically Ellie Jones, the little sister of Erik Jones. Except, I have never been happy being a girl. I've always been happier as Easton, but my parents will never understand. I've tried to throw hints, and even introduced myself to some of their friends as Easton. They just "Had a talk" with me saying that it wasn't a funny joke. My whole childhood has been this way, having to wear a cheerleading uniform, instead of a baseball uniform, or a pagent dress instead of a football jersey.  I hate my body, my hair, all this make up I have to wear. I just want to be me, the real me.   

No, your mom don't get it
And your dad don't get it
Uncle John don't get it

And you can't tell grandma
'Cause her heart can't take it
And she might not make it

"Ellie can you come down here please?" I heard my dad call. I decided to change into some jeans and one of my hoodies, putting my hair up and throwing on a beanie. No, it wasn't the same as short hair like I wanted, but it would have to do for now. I came downstairs to find my dad sitting on the couch. "Yes sir?" I flopped into the chair looking at him. "What's this I hear about you wanting to drive in Nascar?" His face looking puzzled and disappointed. "Dad this isn't anything new, I've been saying that since Erik got started. I don't understand why you and mom are so against it".  "Were against it because we agreed that you were going to do things that fit you better, cheer and dance, pagents, things that a teenage girl likes to do."  He stood, looking at him. "That's just it dad! I don't want to do any of those things! That just isn't me, it never has been. You and mom agreed, not me".   

They say, "Don't dare, don't you even go there"
"Cutting off your long hair"
"You do as you're told"
Tell you, "Wake up, go put on your makeup"
"This is just a phase you're gonna outgrow"

The weekend came and Easton found himself happily chatting with Erik on a plane to Daytona. Erik knew everything and fully supported his little brother.  Happy that he got to be the escape and Easton could be himself, freely.  "I really think you should just come out and tell them, E. It's not something they pick up on, clearly". "Well, I have sorta tried to do it subtle and maybe break it easier, but they never understand".   "Let's not worry to much about it right now, we are going to have a great week and when we go back, they are going to see the real you, Easton." He smiled as he turned to look out the window. 

There's something wrong in the village
In the village, oh
They stare in the village
In the village, oh
There's nothing wrong with you
It's true, it's true
There's something wrong with the village
With the village
There's something wrong with the village

The weekend passed and Easton was staying the week with Erik in North Carolina. Erik pulled up to great clips and parked. "I don't know about this Erik, they will be so mad if I go back without my long hair".  "Listen E, I have always admired you for the strength it took for you to let me get to know the real you. I have fully supported you every step of the way. Today you get to shine and be who you want to be inside and out. If they don't support you as Easton, well then, I always have a spare bedroom. You can come live with me." He got out of the truck as Easton followed. By Wednesday he had a new hair cut and all the girl clothes that took up his suitcase had been replaced. They were standing at the airport waiting to board the plane heading back to Michigan.  

Feel the rumors follow you
From Monday all the way to Friday dinner
You got one day of shelter
Then it's Sunday hell to pay, you young lost sinner
Well, I've been there, sitting in that same chair
Whispering that same prayer half a million times
It's a lie, though buried in disciples
One page of the Bible isn't worth a life

They walked in and heard their mom in the kitchen. "Mom we're back!" Erik yelled walking through the foyer into the living room. She came running, wrapping him in a hug, going on about how much she missed him and that he needed to visit more. Then it happened. Her eyes fell on Easton, who hadn't moved from the front door. "Tell me that's not my daughter!" Just as suspected, she wasn't happy. Soon their dad appeared from the hall to see what was going on.  Eric spoke up, breaking the silence. "No, mom, this is your son, my little brother, Easton." He smiled pulling Easton into the room with them. Dad sat in the recliner while mom took a seat on the couch. "This isn't funny. I hate your little jokes, Ellie, that's enough." She didn't take her eyes off of Easton, as Erik spoke again. "Easton, mom, not Ellie. He came to me years ago and told me how he felt, who he wanted to be, and has said things to you both, but you never got the hint. You just forced him to wear make up and dresses. It's not a phase mom, it never was. He is happy this way, so either you accept him as he is, or he can move in with me." Erik looked from his mom to his dad waiting on a response as Easton looked at the floor.  

There's something wrong in the village
In the village, oh
They stare in the village
In the village, oh

"I always questioned myslef when you were young, you would prefer hot wheels over barbies, and riding bikes with the boys. I guess I just never thought my little lady would grow into a young man." Easton looked up at his dad with a small smile. "I know it's a lot to take in, and it will take some time to get used to, I've wanted to tell you for a long time, I just wasn't sure how." He looked back at the floor as Erik wrapped him in a side hug. "So, do you accept him or do I need to go help him pack?" He questioned looking straight at their mom who had been silent. "I think you had better pack his things, he'd be better off living with you." She stated as Easton's head dropped again. Of course she wouldn't be accepting .  She stood walking back into the kitchen. "I wouldn't worry to much, Ellie, uh, Easton. She'll come around". Their father got up, wrapping Easton in a hug. "Besides, didn't you tell me you wanted to follow Erik and drive in Nascar? Go follow your dreams kiddo." He smiled walking back down the hall.  Erik looked at Easton, seeing a tear roll down his cheek. "Hey, it'll all work out. We're going home, where you belong, and we are going to get you a team and get you headed on the right track. With your racing and your medical needs." Easton couldn't help but smile. "Thanks big bro". "Anytime little bro" Erik fake punched him on the arm as they walked back to the rental car. 

There's nothing wrong with you
It's true, it's true
There's something wrong with the village
With the village
Something wrong with the village

There's something wrong in the village
In the village, oh
They stare in the village
In the village, oh
There's nothing wrong with you
It's true, it's true
There's something wrong with the village
With the village
Something wrong with the village

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