26. Daddy's Girl - Alex Bowman

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Alex was pacing the hallway's of Atrium Health Hospital's Labor and Delivery ward. It was Sunday, and he was supposed to be in Kansas. Rick Henderick had Noah Gragson fill in for him. He was worried about Nikki, and the baby, his ride, and making it into the round of four in the playoffs. He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard his name being called. "Mr.Bowman. you can go back in now, Nicole has had her epidural and should be more comfortable." He smiled following her back into the room. "Thank you." She smiled as she shut the door. Nikki looked at Alex. "Hey, babe. You ready to meet our little one?" She was smiling holding her hand on her stomach. "Of course I am." He smiled. "I can't wait until our little man is here." She rolled her eyes. "You know, since we decided to not find out the gender, this baby might actually be a girl, right?" He sat down. "You tell me that every time. I know he's a boy. I just have a feeling." He smiled proudly. "Besides Kevin and DeLana had Keelan before Piper, Joey and Brittany have Hudson and Jameson, Ty and Haley have Oakley, Austin and Whitney have Ace, Kyle and Sam have Brexton. Our little man will fit right in." He was giddy, at the thought of having a boy. "Okay and Denny and Jordan have Tylor and Molly, Jimmie and Chandra have Genevieve and Lydia. Would you be mad if the baby was a girl?" She looked over watching him as the was flipping through the television stations trying to find NBCSN. "Of course not. But I don't have that worry. Ryker Alexander Bowman will be here soon." He took a seat in the chair next to her bed. Smiling like a kid in the candy store. "You are one hard headed asshole, Alexander Michael Bowman." She smiled closing her eyes. 

She was awoken when the nurse came in to check her. Alex was glued to the T.V. watching his 88 car run in 2nd place. The nurse smiled. "Mrs. Bowman you are 10 centimeters dilated. It's time to have a baby. Let me go get the doctor. I'll be right back." She left the room and Nikki looked at Alex. "Hey, did you hear her?" He didn't bother to look away from the race. "Yeah, I heard. There's 15 laps left and Noah is running second, 1.26 seconds behind Chase." She rolled her eyes. "That's nice, Alex, but we are having a baby here." She got no response. The doctor came in with the nurse. "Alright Mrs. Bowman, when you have another contraction we need you to push." She looked at Alex. "Hello! Earth to Alex!" She snapped her fingers in front of his face. "Yeah, huh, what?" He looked up realizing what was going on. He jumped from his chair. "Okay Nicole, it looks like you having a contraction, let's get a good push. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Take a deep breath and we will push on the next contraction. 5 minutes later, the nurse handed Alex his baby. "Congratulations, Dad, it's a girl!" The doctor was smiling. Alex looked down at the bundle in his arms, she was looking up at him, her blueish grey eyes matched his own. He stood up walking her over to the T.V,  just in time to see the final few laps. "Look at that baby girl! Noah won! We won! We made it to the final 4!" He stood there smiling at her, like she knew what he was saying. "Don't worry, you'll get to go to your first race soon." He smiled walking over to Nikki. "Want to go meet your momma?" Alex cooed. He placed her very carefully into Nikki's arms. "Do you have a name picked out?" The nursed asked Alex. "Actually, we don't, I was counting on this little lady being a little man." He admitted looking at Nikki, and to the baby. "Adalynn Mackenzie Bowman." He smiled looking at Nikki. "What do you think?" She smiled looking down at their baby. "I think it fits her perfectly." He sat down as the nurse left the room. He heard Dale Jr from the booth give the announcement. "A big congratulations goes out to Alex and Nicole Bowman, on the birth of their daughter."  Alex smiled looking over to the sleeping baby in Nikki arms. He noticed Nikki was asleep and he took Adalynn from her, sitting back down in the chair. He looked down at his precious girl, and she smiled making his heart melt.

[ Daddy's girl, Daddy's girl, I'm the center, of Daddy's world, I know I'm Daddy's number one, For he loves me like I was his son, Daddy's girl.]

"Daddy! I want to go to the game with you and uncle Chase!" Adalynn yelled running down the stairs, her baby doll in tow. She ran straight to Chase who caught her and lifted her into a hug. "How can I say no to you?" Chase asked her smiling. Alex grabbed his keys off the hook and turned to them. "Well come on then, if we don't leave now we're going to miss the first pitch." Alex said taking Adalynn from Chase and walking out the door. They made their way to their seats as the players took the field. "Daddy, will you play with me?" Adalynn looked up at Alex, with her puppy dog eyes. "Of course I will, sweetheart." He smiled pulling her into his lap. As the game went on she was pulling out all kinds of things for her doll from her little backpack. She handed the baby to Alex and he took it willingly, wrapping it in it's little blanket and holding the bottle to it's mouth. Chase laughed at the sight. "Hey, who would have thought you'd be a grandpa so soon." He joked. Alex chuckled and shook his head. "As long as she is having fun, that's all that matters to me." He smiled looking at Adalynn. After awhile she had put all of her things away, and was sitting in between Chase and Alex. "I don't understand, why are they trying to hit the ball with the bat?" She looked at Alex as Chase answered. "That's just how  the game is played Addy." She looked over to Chase. "Oh, well I'm hungry." Alex smiled. "I was just thinking the same thing baby girl. How about we go get us a hot dog?" She jumped from her seat. "Yeah! I love hot dogs." Alex and Chase laughed. "Chase do you want one too?" Alex looked to his friend. "Sure, I'll take one." He was focused back on the game.  Alex picked up Adalynn, and carried her up the steps, through the grandstands as she sang. 

[ "Daddy's girl, Daddy's girl, I'm the center, of Daddy's world, I know I'm Daddy's number one, For he loves me like I was his son, Daddy's girl."]

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