19. Next Contestant - Kyle Busch

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Kyle walked to the bar, ordering him and Kaylee their drinks. He turned back, taking the drinks to their table. He cleared his throat and eyed the guy standing there, hitting on his girlfriend. "Here ya go babe." He smiled handing her the glass of Jack and Coke. "Thank you." She said, smiling up at him as he sat down. They talked for a bit before someone walked up touching Kaylee's arm. "Hey sexy, wanna dance?" He asked not even looking at Kyle. "No she doesn't." Kyle spoke up, clearly annoyed. "Now get your hand off of her." He said sternly. "Bug off, dude, I wasn't talking to you." He said looking down at Kyle. "I don't give a fuck, she is my girlfriend!" Kyle slammed his fist onto the table. "Now beat it!" The guy huffs and walks away.  Kaylee looks at Kyle, smiling.  He turned his attention back to her. "What?" He said as a smirk crossed his face. "I love it when you're angry. It's sexy, really." She laughed taking the last drink. Kyle stood, walking to the bar to order her a refill. He turned to look back at their table and sure enough, Kaylee was shaking her head no to someone else. "I swear I am going to hurt someone." He said it aloud, not realizing it. He grabbed her drink and walked back to the table. As soon as he sat down there was someone else making his way to Kaylee. "Here comes the next contestant." He watched as the guy placed a hand on her shoulder. Kyle spoke up. "Is that your hand on my girlfriend?" The guy jerked his hand away. Looking at Kyle. "I wish you'd do it again and I'll watch you leave here limping." The guy walked away as Kyle looked back to Kaylee. "Your enjoying this aren't you?". She smiled at him and took a swig from her glass. "If you are referring to you being all worked up, then yes." She laughed. He rolled his eyes finishing his drink. 

A/N This is a short one! Sorry guys! Thanks for all the love! I appreciate it! I haven't gotten any requests. Feel free to send them in! It can be any driver! :) <3

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