7.Fallin' For You - William Bryon

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My life is crazy nowadays, with work and schooling, I can't even think straight most days. I should also introduce myself, my apologies. I am Emily Elaine Hendrick, the one and only granddaughter of Rick Hendrick. I am currently seventeen years of age and working full-time at Hendrick Motorsports. But today granddad wants to meet me in his office, he said something about me being a P.R. for one of his drivers or something. I honestly don't know. I'm running a half hour late and stuck in a traffic jam, and my mind can't seem to leave the thought of this handsome blue-eyed man I just met at the coffee shop. Finally getting to the office, I grab my things and lock my car running for the door, I run into Chase Elliott. "I am so sorry, Chase! Are you okay?" I ask as I am picking up my paperwork which is now scattered about the floor. He laughs bending down to help me. "I'm fine Ems, you late again?". "Yeah, I was up late last night doing my classes online, and this morning I missed my alarm, there was a traffic jam and I almost didn't get my coffee," I say quickly earning another laugh from him. "Thanks, Chase." I smile and turn to catch the elevator. "You're welcome!" He smiles as the elevator opens. I walk into the offices and see that same blue-eyed man from before. What on earth is he doing here? I thought to myself as I walked into Rick's office.

"I am so sorry granddad, I didn't mean to keep you waiting, there was a traffic jam this morning, and I was up late last-" He cut me off. "Emily, I don't want to hear it. Now you know you are my family, and I love you, but you need to be on time, I have a business to run. " He looked at me, straight-faced. "If you can't do it, then I will find someone who can." My face instantly dropped as the blue-eyed man walked through the door. He looked at me, and I looked at the floor. Rick shook his hand and introduced us, "William, this is Emily, she will be your P.R., for now at least." He stopped talking and shot me a glare. "Emily this is William, all of his meetings, press conferences, media interviews, race schedules, everything, is your responsibility, it is your responsibility to make sure he is on time, are we clear?" He looked at me, and I didn't bother to look up. "Yes, sir." That was all I could manage. Great, I can't even be responsible for myself, was all I could think before Rick started talking again. I left the room not long after, never looking up to even say goodbye. I walked into my office and sat my things on my desk, fighting back tears. "Hey what's wrong?" I jumped, startled, and looked up to see William standing in my doorway. "Don't scare me like that!" I snapped, instantly regretting it. "I'm sorry, William, I just didn't know you were even behind me. I'm fine.". He walked in, closing the door behind him. "Emily, I know you don't know me all that well, but I can tell something is bothering you, and so can everyone else. I will listen if you want to talk, or just need someone to vent to." He smiled a bit and sat in one of the chairs in front of my desk as I flopped into my own chair.

I took a deep breath and sighed. "I'm not one to talk bout my feelings with my co-workers." I looked at him and he was still smiling. At least one of us is in a good mood, I thought. "Then call me a friend, and tell me everything that you feel you need to get off your chest, it'll make you feel better." He locked eyes with me and I almost melted in my chair. Those damned blue eyes. "Alright, you win, you want my story here it is. The only reason I am here, with this job is that I don't have a choice, my mom died a few years ago and Rick, my grandpa, took me in. I am in college taking online classes, I am working here non-stop, I am usually always running late and I can't seem to ever get anything right, and now, now grandpa has me being responsible for you when I can't even be responsible for myself." I felt the tears fall and I quickly looked down. "Hey it's okay, you're under a lot of stress I get it." He stood up offering my a box of Kleenex from my desk. "I'm in college also, maybe I can help you with some of your work. As far as you being my P.R., " I cut him off giving him the most confused look ever, "That's another thing, I don't even know what that means!" I threw my hands in the air and looked at him as he laughed a bit. "It means Public Relations. Basically, you handle all of my meetings and such, like Rick said earlier." I rolled my eyes and looked out the office window. "I can't even handle myself." I looked at him again and he was standing right in front of me. "Emily, I am telling you, you will do fine. I will be here to help. Look here is my number, and you can call or text me anytime you need to talk, okay?" He was smiling again, damn why is he so adorable, and so nice. I managed to give him a small smile. "Thank you, for listening, I really appreciate it."

It's been about a year and a half since then, I got to keep my job, thankfully. I few things have changed, I am now enrolled at Liberty University, majoring in Business communications. William talked me into it, so he could help with my classes if needed. I've spent less time at the office, and more time at the track. Keeping up with Williams's schedule wasn't easy, but it became quite fun since I started traveling with him. This brings me to the problem I am facing now, my feelings for him. I mean come on, I had feelings for him from day one, but now, we spend all day together and sometimes all night studying. We have become best friends and I am honestly scared to say anything. I am currently sitting on the couch in the RV waiting for William to come back from one of his media interviews. This weekend is Bristol, it's a Friday, so today is pretty busy. Just as I was about to make myself something to eat, William walks through the door. "Hey Ems, do we have time to go grab some lunch?" He smiles at me and I hand him cold water from the fridge. "Yeah we got a few hours to kill before your next meeting, and then, you need to get ready for the driver's meeting and everything," I say sitting down on the couch. "Wanna go to Hooters with Chase and Alex?" He takes the seat next to me. "That doesn't sound like a bad idea, I'll go grab my things and meet you in the car." I stood up and walked back to my bunk grabbing my phone.

We got to Hooters and walked to the table where Chase and Alex were seated. "About time you too love birds got here." Chase teased. Alex laughed as William gave them a confused look, and looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders and took a seat, glaring at Chase. This is why I need a girlfriend to talk to. We ordered our food and listened to the live band that was playing. "So Ems when are you going to spill the beans?" Alex looked at me, a shit-eating grin on his face. "I swear I'm going to kill one of you before the day is out," I said taking a sip of my sweet tea. William looked at me. "What are you two even talking about?" William asked as they all three looked my way. I feel the heat rush to my face and I look down at the table. I kicked both Chase and Alex under the table earning another look from William, this time I could see the concern in his face. "William, it's nothing. Don't worry about it." I gave him a half smile as Chase laughed at me earning him a second kick. "Ouch! What the hell Ems!" Chase exclaimed as he grabbed his shin. Alex looked at William and back to me, still grinning. "You may as well tell him the truth, Emily." I sighed and looked at William. His face was blank, he really had no clue. "Okay, Okay, since you two big mouths don't know when to shut up, I guess here goes nothing." I looked from Chase who was still rubbing his shin, to Alex and over to William, meeting his blue eyes with my brown ones. I started singing, yes singing. "I don't know, but, I think I maybe fallin' for you, dropping so quickly, maybe I should keep this to myself, waiting 'til I know you better, I'm trying, not to tell you, but I want to, I'm scared of what you'll say, and so I'm hiding, what I'm feeling, but I'm tired of holding this inside my head, I've been spending all my time, just thinkin' 'bout ya, I don't know what to do, I think I'm fallin' for you." I couldn't stop myself from smiling, I felt like the world was lifted off my of shoulders, I was so in the moment that I never noticed the waitress had brought our food. I looked at William for some kind of reaction, he was just staring at his food. I felt my face drop as I sat quietly picking at my food, suddenly I wasn't hungry. I am so stupid, why did I let them talk me into telling him? That will be the last time I tell those two anything. "Emily." I was removed from my thoughts by William. I looked up from my plate realizing I was still picking at my food. "Yeah?" William was smiling. "I have wanted to tell you for the longest time, but I couldn't, I was trying to keep our friendship, and business, well, business." He was cut off by Chase. "Get to the point lover boy." He rolled his eyes and laughed. "As I was saying, Emily, I have felt the same way for a long time now. So, would you give me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He asked, his eyes never leaving mine. "Of course, I would," I said as Chase and Alex started making kissing noises. William and I looked at each other, nodded and we proceeded to kick them both in the shin at the exact same time.   

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