17. What's Your Name? - William Byron

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I walked into Starbucks and stood in line, I looked up at the menu, deciding what I wanted, and what to order the guys. My eyes fell on her, Semi- tall, shoulder length blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, she was dressed up well, skin tight black slacks, a crisp white button down shirt,  nicely tucked in, black heals, maybe 4 inches. He was staring at her and he couldn't help it, he started to walk towards her, then the lady behind the counter caught his attention. He ordered quickly and turn around, she was gone. He mentally cursed himself. When he got back out to the truck, he was on the phone with Chase. "I got your coffee, Elliott, calm down." He rolled his eyes, smiling. "Your grumpy this morning." Chase yawned into the phone, yeah well, the only reason I am up this early is because I have to meet my new P.R. Rick said I had to be there." Sarcasm laced his words. "Well I'll meet you at the shop. I'm driving." William said before hanging up the phone.

He pulled into the parking lot and saw Chase talking with Alex. William climbed out of his Tahoe and handed both Chase and Alex their coffee. "Good morning fellas, what are you guys chatting about?". "Chase was just telling me about his new girlfriend." Alex smiled and William felt the heat rise in his face. "Spill it kid." Chase said drinking his coffee. "It's nothing, really. I just saw the most beautiful girl at Starbucks this morning." Alex and Chase exchanged looks. Both asking questions at the same time. "What's her name?" and "Did you get her number?" William turn his gaze to the ground. "I don't know, and no." He said barely over a whisper. "Rookie." Was all Chase said and Alex laughed. "Hey! She was gone before I could talk to her, if I didn't have to stop for coffee I wouldn't have had that problem" William defended himself. "If you didn't stop for coffee, you wouldn't have seen her at all." Chase said looking at him. William hung his head in defeat and walked into Hendrick Motorsports.

There she was, she was talking to Rick, was she Chase's new P.R? William couldn't control his thoughts. He froze, right in the middle of the hallway. He heard Chase and Alex coming up behind him, but he didn't budge. "Did you forget how to walk, rookie?" Chase laughed as he stopped behind William. William said nothing. "Oh no! He can't talk either!" Alex exclaimed. Rick opened the glass door and she was in tow. "Follow me, I'll show you around the shop." He said to her and I felt my body being pushed to the wall. Rick smiled as they made their way past us. I waited until they were at the other end of the hall. "Guys that was her." I said looking at them. "That's your mystery woman?" Chase questioned. William simply nodded hitting the elevator button. Alex smacked Will in the back of his head. "Ouch, what the fuck was that for?" William shot him a glare. "That's the second time you let her get away." Alex said laughing as they got into the elevator.

Sometime later Rick was showing her around the offices upstairs. The boys were hanging out in the conference room when Rick walked in. "This is the conference room, oh and this is Chase Elliott, you'll be working and traveling with him." She nodded and wrote in her note book. "Now let me show you your office, you'll only be there a few days a week." Rick said guiding her back out of the room. As soon as the door closed I punched the table. "Dammit, man.". "I suppose we should stop clowning around and get down to the garage." Alex said walking out of the room, Chase and I on his heels.

I looked at my watch, "Guys I'm headed out it's after five. I got get some of my lessons in tonight." They nodded and said their goodbyes. I was walking out of the building when I saw her. William it's now or never. I thought to myself. "Hey wait up!" I exclaimed practically running. I came to a stop as she was headed out the door. "Can I help you?" She asked looking a bit confused. "I turn around, you're there again and suddenly you're gone, I wanna get to know you but I don't know who you are, you're the kind of girl who'd make me stop and lose my mind, I wanna get together, but you're oh so hard to find, I see you when I'm at Starbucks, but then you're walkin' out the door, I need an opportunity, there's something I wanna ask, I never seem to get the chance, What's your name? What's your name? Oh, I really wanna know, You got me going crazy and I want you more and more, Oh, hey, this could be something real, I've gotta let you know the way I feel, What's you name? What's your name? Oh, I really wanna know, cause every time I get there, but it's right before you go, Oh , hey, if only you could see, I wanna get to know you and get to know your name." I took a deep breath watching her face turn into a smile. "My name is Braelyn, and you are?" I smiled, "William, and that's a beautiful name." . "Well thank you, William. " I followed her to her car. "Would you wanna, maybe go get a coffee?" I asked nervously. "Of course, I can't ever turn down a good cup of coffee." "Starbucks?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Meet you there." She said starting her car. I turned to go to my truck and ran directly into Chase. "Smooth moves, Rookie." He smiled, climbing into his truck and leaving. I climbed into my Tahoe and drove to Starbucks. So much for those lessons.

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