16.Bloody Valentine - Chase Elliott

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It was December, snow falling in Denver, Colorado. Chase Elliott was there on vacation, snowboarding, on of his favorite pastimes. He was walking back the the ski lift when he heard a scream, then a thud and looked up in time to see someone rolling down the hill. He had to stop himself from laughing a bit and ran up to them. "Are you okay?" He asked reaching out to help them up. "I hurt my arm, but I should be fine." Her voice was intoxicating. "I can take you to medical, if you'd like, get it checked out at least." He smiled at her as she unattached herself from her snowboard. Chase bent down and grabbed it carrying it for her. "I'm Chase, by the way." She smiled, "I'm Josie." They walked in silence to the ski lift. This was the part she hated and he could tell. He put an arm around her shoulders. "Fear of heights?" He gave her a sympathetic look. "Very." She said squeezing her eyes together as they were moving back up the mountain. He stayed with her as they entered the medical station. He saw a lovely older lady sitting behind a computer. "Hello, I'm Chase, This is Josie, she fell most of the way down the mountain, possibly broke her arm." He said motioning to Josie. The older lady had a look of concern on her face, standing up, "Oh dear, that's not good! But don't worry dear, your girlfriend is in good hands." She smiled at Chase and walked them back into a private room. "I'll send the doctor right in." She said shutting the door.

"No more snowboarding for me I suppose?" Josie asked the doctor as he was wrapping up her arm. "No ma'am, I'd advise no skiing either." She rolled her eyes. "So much for my vaction." She mumbled under her breath. Chase shot her a look. If only she knew what he was thinking about.

[The simulation just went bad, but your the best I ever had, like hand prints in wet cement, she touched me in permanent. In my head, in my head, I couldn't hear any thing you said but, in my head, in my head, I'm calling you girlfriend, What the fuck. I don't do fake love, but I'll take some from you tonight, I know I've got to go but I might just miss the flight, I can't stay forever, let's play pretend, and treat this night like it'll happen again, You'll be my bloody valentine, tonight.]

He walked with her headed towards her cabin. "You know, if you wanted we could go to my cabin and have some hot chocolate by the fire." Chase kept his eyes ahead, trying his best not to look at her. She grinned, up at him. "Are you asking me on a date?". "I was simply thinking we could get to know each other better without all your friends around. But I guess you could call it that." He shrugged and looked down at her. She took him by the hand and followed his lead. That country accent made her heart melt, but she wasn't about to admit that to a man she had just met. He opened the door letting her in, taking her jacket from her and hanging it with his. "Wow, this is bigger than my cabin, that's for sure." She said looking around, a fire place, glistening as the wood softly popped and crackled, a nice sized couch siting across from a giant television, the chandelier overhead was beautiful, there was a bar leading into the kitchen, and a giant Christmas tree towering over the room in the far corner. "It's pretty cool." He said walking into the kitchen as she sat on the couch. He came back a few minutes later sitting a tray on the table in front of her. "Such a gentleman." She smiled up at him reaching for a cup. "What can I say, Ms. Josie, it's how I was raised." He beamed sitting next to her with his own cup. "So tell me about yourself." He said placing a hand on her knee. "Well, what would you like to know?" She giggled and took a sip of her drink. "Okay, let's start off easy, how old are you?". "Twenty two, you?" . "Twenty four, where are you from?". "Well, technically I'm from Michigan, but my parent's moved to Tennessee when I was nine." He smiled, "Dawsonville, Georgia." He stated proudly. "What's your dream job?" He looked into her eyes. "Well, I don't really know, I defiantly want something that I can travel with. I love road trips, and seeing all the country has to offer." He sat his coffee cup down on the table and turned toward her, placing her cup next to his. "Funny, you should mention traveling." His smile was so breathtaking. "Why's that?" She gave him a puzzled look. "Because I just happen to know the perfect job for you. I just so happen to need someone on my team. I need a P.R if you'd be interested." His eyes never left her, she however was staring into the fire. "What's a P.R? And why do you need one?" She now turned her gaze to him as he laughed. "My apologizes." He stuck his hand out for her to shake. "Chase Elliott, NASCAR driver. And a P.R is basically the person who sets up all my meetings, autograph signings and so on." She was so deep in thought that she paid no attention to his hand. "I mean, I guess I could do that. You don't seem like a murderer or anything, and my mom has really been on my case to find a job." She smiled up to him, his eyes locked with hers. He leaned in and their lips touched, so soft and sweet. He was loving every minute of it. She broke the kiss, the heat rising in her cheeks. "Wanna go cuddle and watch so T.V?" He asked watching her shiver. "Sounds good, but no funny business." She giggled at her own joke. They laid there watching Wedding Crashers, his favorite movie. But he wasn't paying any attention, his thoughts were racing.

[I'm over stimulated and I'm sad, I don't expect you to understand, It's nothing less than true romance, or am I just making a mess. In my head, in my head, I'm lying naked with you, yeah, In my head, in my head, I'm ready to die holding your hand. I don't do fake love but I'll take some from you tonight, I know I've got to go but I might just miss the flight, I can't stay forever, let's play pretend, and treat this night like it will happen again. You'll be my bloody valentine, tonight. ]

He looked down at her, her broken up laying across his stomach, her head resting on his chest. She was sleeping so peacefully. "I can't hide, how I feel about you, inside, I'd give everything up, tonight, If I could just have you, be mine, I can't hide, how I feel about you, inside, I'd give everything up, tonight, If I could just have you, be mine, be mine." He sang softly, kissing her head and closing his eyes. "You really feel that way?" His eyes shot open. "I thought you were asleep." She smiled looking up at him. "Nope, I was watching the movie." He smiled down at her. "Yes, I mean that." She lifted her head, connecting her lips with his. "I don't have a problem with that, I guess." She laid her head back down, listening to his heartbeat as she drifted off to sleep. 

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