22.You Don't Know Her Like I Do/All Eyes On Us - Alex Bowman

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A/N Hey guys and gals, I wanted to first, say thank you! To everyone who's reading and enjoying my stories. I appreciate everyone of you! I always have my stories in order, by driver. But I wanted to write a special one for Alex Bowman, since he will be in the 48 next year! Enjoy. :) 

Ellie was in her office, it was a busy day today and she had to get a head start to stay on track. She was sitting at her desk, making phone calls, and typing away on her computer. Alex walked into her office and quietly sat down in the chair across for her. She hung up the phone and looked at Alex. "Good morning, Alex. How are you today?" He smiled and handed her a cup of coffee he had been holding. "I'm doing good. How are you?" She smiled taking a drink. "I'm okay, just super busy." He gave her a questioning look. "Already? You just got here.". She sighed, and looked away from him. "I know, today's just going to be a big day, that's all." He looked at her, her happy go lucky attitude had changed, she wasn't herself this morning. "What's going on?" Alex questioned. "I know you better then you know yourself, Ellie, I can tell somethings up, now what is it?" She didn't look at him, instead she looked down to her book. "You have a meeting with Mr.H this morning at 9:30." He stood up walking towards her. "Ellie tell me what's wrong." He said placing a hand on her shoulder. "Alex, I can't tell you what's happening today, all I can tell you is, that you have a meeting, okay, please understand. I will be fine, don't you worry about me." She gave him a forced smile and went back to typing on her computer as he walked away.

Alex sat in the conference room, across the table from his team mate, Jimmie Johnson, his crew chief Greg Ives sat next to him and they were all three listening to Mr. Hendrick, who was sitting at the head of the table. "Thank you all for joining my this morning. As we all know, Jimmie will be leaving Hendrick Motorsports after this season. I have been in meetings all week with Ally, the sponsor of the forty eight, and they are really looking to put a young driver behind the wheel, one with a lot of talent, and a lot of class, After careful consideration and Jimmie's input, we have decided that you, Alex, are the best man for the job. That being said, Alex, you will still have Greg, as your crew chief. Alex I want you to meet Stephanie, she will be your new P.R." He motioned to the girl at the end of the table, writing away in her notebook. Alex looked at Rick. "What about Ellie?" He asked, not thinking twice. "She's sticking with the eighty eight team, when we get a driver, she will be their P.R" Alex shook his head in dis disbelief, standing from his chair. "Thank you for this opportunity, Mr.H, but I need to talk to Ellie." Alex left the room without another word.

He walked into Ellie's office, expecting her to be there. He walked into the break room and found her making a cup of coffee, Chase and William were there, chatting with her. She looked at him as he walked into the room. "Why didn't you just tell me?" He questioned. She looked down at her cup as she added her sugar. "I was asked not to say a word, Mr. Henderick wanted it to be a surprise for you." He shook his head, "Ellie, don't take this the wrong way, but you wouldn't even have this job if it weren't for me." She shot him a glare. "Just how am I supposed to take that, Alex?" She crossed her arms and turned toward him. "Shit Ellie, you know what I mean, my whole racing career it's been you and I, as a team. When I got the job offer for Henderick Motorsports, I said that I already had a P.R and didn't need one. That's why you got this job. Don't get me wrong, I want to take over the forty eight, it's an honor for them to choose me, but if that means I am leaving you behind, then I will have to politely decline." By this time he was standing inches from her. "Alexander Michael Bowman, you had better not turn down this offer. If you do, I'll kick your ass." Her face was cold, he knew she was serious. Chase and William were simply looking at each other, the tension in the room was heavy, until Chase spoke up. "Why don't you two just kiss and get it over with, good lord, y'all the only two people I know who refuse to take the next step." He laughed and stood up to leave, William put a hand on Alex's shoulder. "He has a point you know." And with that, Alex and Ellie were left standing there alone. Alex looked at Ellie for a moment, and then finally spoke, "I guess I had better go talk with Rick." And just like that, she was standing there alone.

Alex walked into the conference room to see Rick talking to Jimmie. "Hey Mr.H mind if I get a word with you in your office?" He asked. "Sure thing, I'll be right back Jimmie." Alex followed Rick into his office. "What's up, Alex?" Rick asked taking a seat at his desk. "Well, I was wondering why I was getting a new P.R?" Alex asked taking a seat across from Rick. "Well, Stephanie has been with Jimmie and the forty eight crew for years, she's very good at her job. I personally think you two will do good together." He smiled at his driver. "But what about Ellie? She's great at her job." Alex defended. "Yes I know that, and she will do great with whomever we sign to drive that car, I am sure of it." Alex looked defeated. "I want Ellie as my P.R and if that means I have to keep the eighty eight, then I'm sorry, but that's what I am going to do." Alex looked up at Rick. "Can I ask you something Alex?" Rick paused as Alex nodded his head. "Why is this so important to you?" Alex stood up turning around, and then turned to look at Rick. " 'Cause you don't know her like I do, You'll never understand, you don't know what we've been through, that girl's my bestfriend, and there's no way you can help me, she's the only one who can, No, you don't know how much I've got to lose, you don't know her like I do." Rick looked at Alex and spoke. "I understand she's been your P.R for quite sometime now, Alex. But I think the change will be good." Alex shook his head. "No, sir, I don't think you truly understand, Ellie, shes more then just my P.R, she really is my bestfriend, when I'm mad or upset about a race, she's always there to talk, we are always hanging out at the tracks, and in the off time." Alex sat back down as Rick watched him. "Alex, you know , I get that she is your friend, " Alex cut him off. "I buy the beer , she calls the shots, pouring that sexy right on the rocks, just like the stars up in the sky, we're burning just as bright, I play the songs, she cranks it up, partners in crime, we're kickin' up dust, Just like Bonnie had her Clyde , She's my ride or die, All eyes on us." Alex's face didn't change, he sat there waiting for a response, and the one he got was the biggest surprise he had gotten all day. "Alex, what are you waiting for? Go confess your love to her, not to me. But do me a favor, tell her she has a new position as P.R for the forty eight crew." Rick was smiling and Alex was already out the door. He ran all the way to Ellie's office. She was typing at the computer when he came in. "Ever heard of knocking?" She questioned laughing at him. "What I never knock, and besides that, I have big news." He was smiling from ear to ear. He walked over and took her hand pulling her from her chair and pulled her into him. Crashing his lips into hers. In a matter of seconds she was kissing him back. He pulled away and left her wanting more. "You miss Ellie, are and forever will be, my P.R. Welcome to the forty eight crew!" He said, his hot breath on her face. "Well as happy as I am to hear that, what in the world was that kiss about?" He smiled placing a hand on the small of her back. "Because, your my girlfriend." She looked up at him. "I didn't agree with that." He leaned in, whispering into her ear. "Oh I think you did, miss Ellie, you kissed me back." He smiled and drug her out of her office. "Where are we going?" She asked trying to catch up. "You are part of my crew, so you have to take all the new photos for the sponsors, and for the company pages." He said pulling her into the conference room. 2021 is going to be a great year for Alex Bowman. 

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