9. Gunpowder and Lead - Kyle Busch

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A/N If you are a fan of Martin Truex Jr, I apologize, he is the bad guy in this story. 

Kyle stopped dead in his track as he saw one of his long time friends, Mackenzie , she was sitting on the pit wall, head in her hands, probably crying again. He quietly walked up and sat next to her, looking from her face down her arms and to her legs. "You're bleeding." She shot him a glare. "You don't say, Kyle." She rolled her eyes as the tears still fell. "Look I'm sorry Kyle, it's, just been a bad day, okay? I want to be left alone." Kyle gave her a sympathetic look. "I'm not leaving until you tell me what happened." He moved closer and pulled her head into his chest. "Tell me everything.". "Kyle you have to be focused on you and your car, you have a race to win." She tried to pull away, but he held her there. "As far as I am concerned right now, you are more important." She looked up at him as the tears continued to fall. "Well, it's Martin. He did this to me. He was pissed off at his crew and his car and he just took it all out on me." Kyle looked down into her eyes. "This isn't the first time is it?" She shook her head. "But it will be the last. I'm done being his punching bag." She raised her head, and looked at Kyle. "You have taught me a lot of things over the years, Kyle. That's why I am going home before he gets there." She gave an evil smile and he looked confused. "What are you going to do?". "I'm going home gonna load my shotgun, wait by the door and light a cigarette, if he wants a fight well now he's got one, and he ain't see me crazy yet, He slapped my face and he shook me like a ragdoll, now don't that sound like a real man? I'm going to show him what little girls are made of, gunpowder and lead." Kyle smiled. "That's my girl. How about this, you sit on my pit box tonight, and after the race we will fly outta here to your house. I'm not letting you go by yourself.". She sighed looking around, they were starting to roll the cars onto pit road. "I may as well not fight you, besides, I want to see you win." She smiled at him and he leaned in meeting her lips with his. She wrapped her arm around his neck, kissing him back. "Good, because I need my girl on my box tonight." Kyle stood up taking her hand walking to his pit box. "Hey Alan, what's up man?" Alan was Kyles crew chief. "Not a whole lot at the moment, Just making sure we have everything set." Alan gave Kyle a half smile as he looked down at his notebook. "Mind having company on the box tonight? I told Kenzie she could sit on our box.". Alan looked up at Kenzie. "Absolutely. I wouldn't have it any other way." Kenzie stood by Kyle during the invocation. Before he climbed in the car, She kissed him, "Good luck, drive safe, let's win this one." She smiled hugging him and climbed up on the box. Green flag dropped and Kyle was running 6th. He was doing well until lap 83, Martin Truex Jr came up behind Kyle, spinning him into the wall. Kyle came across the radio. "I tried to save it, we've got a flat right front." I was pissed. I hit the button on my radio. "Kyle come get tires, cautions out, that was not an accident." Kyle came back, "I was trying to block, I thought it was my fault.". "No Ky, wait until you see the replay, he completely ran into you.". Kyle came down pit road and got 4 tires, topped off on fuel and got the right front panel tapped up. He went back out there 22nd, from 3rd. The race went green for quite awhile, Kyle was moving back up the field, before we knew it the white flag dropped, one to go, Kyle was running 2nd. Right behind Martin, Martin took the low line and blocked Kyle going into turn 1 and 2. Kyle got a run off of him down the back stretch, Kyle got his front tire up to Martin's door, and cut the car up to hit him, Martin fish tailed trying to save the car, he spun hitting the wall head on, taking flight and flipping at least six times before coming to a stop on the roof of the car. Kyle came across the finish line first. I jumped off the box running through the infield with the crew. I knew he would be in trouble for that, but I didn't care. Martin deserved it. As we were all standing in victory lane celebrating, Martin walked up, pissed off. He walked up to me and punched me right in the face. "You are nothing but a slut, bitch." He turn to Kyle and swung on him, Kyle ducked and connected his right fist with Martin's face, making his nose bleed instantly. "You wrecked me on purpose, there was no way you were winning the race, and you don't hit women, bitch." Kyle looked at me, coming to myside and helped me up. "Hey you okay?" I held my eye and looked at him. "I'll be fine, Kyle." He moved my hand looking at my face. "It will be black by morning." He took her into his arms as Joe Gibbs walked up. "Kyle, go take care of what you need to with her, I will handle the officials, I saw every that just happened. He is out of a job as of now." Kyle thanked him as he took my hand. "Let's go to my RV and let me get a shower and we will leave." I shook my head smiling at him. "Kyle can I tell you something?". "Of course you can, Kenzie, you can tell me anything. "Okay, well then, I love you." He looked at her, shocked. "I mean that." "I love you too, Kenzie. To the moon and back.". "And I love you all around the racetrack." He smiled walking them into the RV. 

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