23.Watching You - William Byron

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William sat at the kitchen table, eating his breakfast and scrolling Twitter. His four year old sitting across from him, had a piece out of the news paper, just looking at it. William looked up and smiled. "Anything interesting?" He questioned, setting his phone down. "Nuh uh" He shook his little head and finished his plate. William watched as he got up and put his plate in the sink, hugging his mother, Nicole. "Go get ready, Liam. I'll take you to the shop with me." William smiled watching as he bolted up the stairs. Will stood up, taking his plate to the kitchen and hugging Nicole. "Like father, like son." She laughed and put her arms around William's neck, kissing him. "I want you, missy, to take it easy today. Don't worry about this house, I'll clean it when I get back." He smiled looking down at his wife. "William, I'm pregnant, not dying." She laughed a bit looking at him. "I know that, but you're also eight and half months. I don't want you hurting yourself or this little princess." He leaned down kissing her stomach. "I know Will. You always were over protective." She smiled running her hand through his hair. Liam came running into the kitchen, He had on blue jeans, a blue polo with the Hendrick Motorsports logo, and a Liberty University number 24 hat placed over his blonde hair. "I'm ready daddy!" He exclaimed. "Alright bud, let's go before we are late." William said giving Nicole's stomach a final kiss and then giving Nicole one. "I'll see you two when we get home." He said grabbing his keys and waiting for Liam, who was kissing his mom's belly before kissing his momma. Will put Liam in his car seat. "Daddy can I tell you something?" William smiled and said, "Sure buddy, what's up?" Liam had the biggest smile, "I've been watchin' you dad, ain't that cool? I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you, and eat all my food and grow as tall as you are, we got cowboy boots and camo pants, yeah, we're just alike hey ain't we dad? I wanna do everything you do, cause I been watching you." William smiled hugging him. "Yeah, buddy, you're just like me."

William had a meeting with Rick and left Liam in the care of Uncle Chase and Uncle Alex. "Come on bud, let's walk down to the garage and see what the guys are up to." Chase said smiling at Liam. "Okay!" He yelled jumping on Alex's back. "To the garage!" He yelled throwing his fist in the air as he grabbed Alex's shoulder with one hand and Alex grabbed his legs. "Okay little man." Alex laughed. As soon as they walked through the door, Liam jumped down and ran straight to William's 24 car, watching the guys put the wrap on. "This is so cool! I wanna help!" Chase smiled catching up with him. "Okay buddy, here, let's help put your dad's win sticker above the door." Chase picked him up and handed him the sticker, watching him proudly stick it to the car. "Good job buddy." Alex was smiling, watching him. He was so proud to be around the shop. "Hey bud, what do you say you stay with uncle Chase and I go out and get us some lunch?" Alex asked. "Deal, but I wanna Chicken Nuggets Happy Meal." Chase laughed and Alex nodded his head. "Deal." He said high fiving Liam, and turning around and leaving. "Hey bud, stay here with Mikey and watch him work on the car, I'm going to grab us something to drink, Okay?". "Okay uncle Chase." Liam said smiling, not taking his eyes off of the car. Chase came back handing him a Gatorade. "Thank you uncle Chase." . "Your welcome bud. Here let me help you open it.". He smiled taking a drink. It slipped right out of his little hands and hit the floor, spilling it everywhere. "Well fuck." Was all he said. Chase held back a laugh and kneeled down beside him as William walked up. "William McComas Byron the third, where did you hear that?" He crossed his arms looking down at his son. He was a spitting image of William, and it was hard for William to be mad at him, when he looked up at his dad and said, "I've been watchin' you dad, ain't that cool? I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you, and eat all my food and grow as tall as you are, we got cowboy boots and camo pants, yeah, we're just alike hey ain't we dad? I wanna do everything you do, cause I been watching you." Chase was looking at William smiling. "He heard it from you, you know. You can't be mad." William rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Liam. "You can't say that, okay buddy?" Liam looked at the ground and back to William. "I'm sorry, daddy. I won't do it again." He said, almost in tears. William bent down hugging him. "It's okay buddy. Just don't let your mother hear of it, okay?" He looked at Liam and smiled. "Okay Daddy.". "Lunch is here!" Alex walked in with an arm load of bags. "Yay! My nuggets!" Liam ran to Alex taking the Happy Meal box from him. "Thanks uncle Alex!" He said jumping straight in the air. Leaving them all laughing. "You're welcome little Will."  

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