23. Thunderstorms

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James is hypnotized by Regulus. What are all the other stars compared to him?

His black curls, his lips bitten now that he's lost in thought, his gray eyes. Here they are, suddenly fixed on James.

He has been caught. He doesn't care. Let Regulus know that he was staring. He doesn't want to stop. He doesn't want to hide anymore.

So, James smiles softly at him and keeps staring.

Regulus' eyes stare into his too, until suddenly they turn away. Regulus jumps down from the desk and roams among the lines of desks.

They are in a big Transfiguration classroom. There are empty birdcages stacked against a wall, Regulus goes to open their doors as to free invisible birds. He finds harmonicas on McGonagall's desk and tries to play a note.

Always curious. James loves to observe him being curious and explore around.

James transfigures a harmonica into a chameleon as it's still in Regulus' hands, and chuckles as Regulus turns to glare at him. Regulus retaliates by transfiguring James' watch in a snake and laughs as James jumps five feet away.

Regulus continues his exploration and opens a cupboard, where there are piles of books, a collection of magnifying glasses and an assortment of keys. James transfigures a key in a bird in front of Regulus' nose and the bird immediately starts flying around the room.

"Good luck transfiguring it back", laughs Regulus.

"We can convince him to go in a birdcage".

"No. Don't lock him up".

"Okay, I won't", assures James smiling.

Regulus nods, and passes to the next cupboard. There are all sorts of pillows stuffed inside. He levitates a big green one and guides it to explore the ceiling, following it with his gaze.

James shrinks it to the dimensions of a stamp with a flick of his wand. Regulus looks at him mischievously, enlarges it almost to the dimension of a mattress and lets it fall on James' head.

"Ouch", says James laughing. He levitates it and makes it throw itself at Regulus, but Regulus is faster and freezes it mid-air grinning.

James levitates a cup and makes it fly at Regulus. He giggles and freezes it mid-air.

Regulus retaliates levitating various clocks and throwing them at James, who freezes them in the middle of the room.

James loves seeing Regulus giggling like a kid and hearing his laugh. So, he continues. He transfigures some pencils in flowers and levitates them as well, Regulus freezes them when they almost reach the arcs of the ceiling.

Regulus levitates a painting from the wall and throws it at James, who freezes it above his head.

"I could unfreeze it", giggles Regulus.

"You would kill me".

"Tempting", he laughs.

James retaliates levitating all the keys and throwing them towards him.

Little by little they punctuate the ceiling of all kinds of things.

Outside it starts to rain. They can hear the rain pouring down and thunders in the distance. You can't see the stars anymore. But they created their own starry sky inside. And James has the only star that matters right in front of him. The most radiant of all.

A smile appears on James' face. Regulus smiles back, his cheeks become a bit red.

"Do you like transfiguration?", asks James.

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