21. Alohomora

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"Where are Barty and Evan?" asks Dorcas while they're having lunch in the Great Hall.

"I don't know, they disappeared last night", Regulus chuckles. "They left a note saying they wouldn't come to class today".

"Are you coming to the library now?", she asks. Regulus shakes his head.

"Right, you have your date", she grins.

"It's not a date".

"Of course it's not", says Dorcas rolling her eyes.

"Stop, we are friends".

"Who go on a date".

"No, who go learn the Patronus".

"Sure. Go learn your Patronus", she says, grinning, as she stands up and heads to the library.

Regulus is sitting on a desk and looking outside the window when James enters the classroom. James smiles, and, as always, he lights up the entire room.

"The roles are reversed today", grins James.

"Don't enjoy it too much", says Regulus.

"I will retaliate for how strict you were".

"I wasn't!"

"Please, you don't believe it yourself", laughs James. Regulus tries to stay serious, but he doesn't manage to, and he laughs as well.

James sits beside Regulus. "Are you ready?", he asks. Regulus looks down and shakes his head.

"Okay, don't worry", says James.

"The other day in Potions we made Amortentia. I did it almost correctly, nothing spilled or exploded", he continues smiling.

"That's great", laughs Regulus, "But why do you say it wasn't correct?"

"I couldn't smell anything".

"I bet you put too many Spanne feathers. But don't you want to know what it smells like for you?"

"Not really, what if I smell something I don't recognize?"

"You just haven't met your person yet". James still looks a little bit worried.

"Are you curious?", James says. Regulus nods.

"You have to wait until next year".

"I could brew it. And correctly", says Regulus.

"Of course you could", murmurs James smiling and looking in his eyes. Regulus looks down, his hair cover his eyes. Not his cheeks unfortunately as he feels them heat up.

"Do you want to see my Patronus?", asks James. Regulus nods.

A blue stag appears and starts running around. It goes up to Regulus and touches his palm with the snout.

"Do you like it?", says James shyly.

"It's beautiful", says Regulus entranced, "It's majestic". James is beaming.

"Are you curious to see what yours looks like?", says James.

"I don't know if I will ever see it", murmurs Regulus.

"Of course you will", smiles James bumping him with his shoulder, "You have happy memories".

"I don't", Regulus murmurs.

"No, you do have them".

"Even in the happy moments, there is always something in the background, like black clouds on the horizon".

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