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Leahs pov
I'm so nervous, today we're playing Vila at our ground and jordan is staying over at mine. I'm also asking Jordan to be my girlfriend. I get dressed and text jords, " good luck for today, your an amazing player ,xxxxxxxxxx l". She reply's " thanks Lea, you're the best future girlfriend ever". I've got the perfect plan to ask her to be my girlfriend, she's meeting me in the massage room after and I'm putting rose petals and fairy lights in it. Both the teams are in on it , I really hope she says yes because I'm really outing myself out there. I drive down to the stadium and see jordan sat out the front. I walk behind her and say " I didn't think the team would be here yet". She smiles turns around and says "there not, Carla allowed me to make my own way here, I got a lift with Beth and thought I'd suprise you". I kiss her and say " there's still an hour before the build up starts, what would you like to do?". She whispers " you but that's not allowed until after the game", I kiss her and say " look why don't we go in, I'll even let you sit on my lap".

Jordan's pov
The game has just finished, arsnall won 4- 1 , I shower and get dressed. I'm annoyed I did,t play better, I go into the massage room and Leah's there, there's fairy lights and rose petals everywhere, I shut the door and say "what's all this?".  She holds my hand a,d says " this is me, being brave, open and honest, it's also me asking you to be my girlfriend,, before you answer , I don't do this for everyone, I've never felt this way about anyone, I'm falling for you more everyday and I can't imagine my life without you".  I smile and kiss her, she pins me onto the massage chair and says " is that a yes", I say " of course it's a yes you big numpty, Leah I've never felt this way either and I know it's scary but I'm so excited for our future together". She lets me go and I get my bag, Leah drives us back to ours and as soon as we're in, Leah look at Leah looks at me and says " bedroom now, nobbs ill just be a minute",I put my bag on the floor. Leah co*es in and we make love, I can't believe Leah Williamson is my girlfriend.

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