International break/ jordan comes and gives leah a pep talk

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Jordan's pov
Today leah is going to St. George's park for the England camp and this time I'm going with her. Lucy is a,so going with Keira, serena generously gave us the family room because even though he hasent been born yet, he's  going to be in the next month. I get in the car whilst Leah puts the bags in the boot. As frustrating as it is not being able to do anything, I understand why and appreciate it, I wouldn't be much use anyway. Leah drives us to St. George's park and we get out the car, we hug Serena and all the other staff and players. Later after dinner I can tell Leah Is struggling, I kiss her pull her into my arms and say "tell me what's on your mind, I can't help if you don't tell me". She says " it's silly really,I've already archive apmore than I could have wished to in football, I've got a baby on the way and I'm Mary's g the woman of my dreams, I just don't know whether I'm worthy of evreything I've got, I'm definitely not worthy of you, our baby or the captaincy".

Leah's pov
Jordan picks my head up so I'm looking at her and says " Leah Cathrine wiliamson( shit she used my middle name she's being serious) don't ever say that again, you are so deserving of evreything you have achieved and more than worthy of me,our baby and especially the captaincy, I wish you could see yourself the way I see you". I kiss her and say " thanks jord you always know what to say", I have doubts sometimes but jordan is always there to shut them down and bring me back to believing in myself. I wake up on gameday felling confident , we can beat anyone we are the current European and world champions. Were in the tunnel I'm leading the team out, we're playing the Netherlands, we end up wining 5-0. I run straight to Jordan at full time, she hugs me, presses our foreheads together and says "" babe I told you the other night, you deserve the world and I just hope I can make you happy". I kiss her passionately and say " jord you've already made me the happiest I've ever been, don't ever forget that".  I hug my teammates and do interviews, after that I see les and Toney kissing their so cute and I. So proud to call them friends.

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