International break/ jordan is reveled to be a coach

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Jordan's pov
Today me and Leah are going to St. George's park for the next England games, if they win their next game they have qualified for the euros next year. I'm also revealing that I'm a coach I'm keeping it a surprise to everyone including Leah. Leah drives us to St. George's park, we get,out the car and hug the staff and players. We put James in his cot in the family room then head back downstairs, serena looks at me as it's about to be revealed and says " don't be nervous, you'll do amazing and it will be a suprise ", I hug serena and thank her . She says " right girls before I say the rooms, we have a new coach, yo7 know them very well,and she scored the wining goal in the World Cup final last year please welcome jordan nobbs". They all clap for me I say " thanks girls, fi4st of all I'd like to thank serena for this opportunity, it means a lot she trusts me to do a good job, I'm sorry I didn't tell any of you, I wanted it to be a suprise and lastly I can't wait to,work with you all, evrey single one of yo7 is talented a,d together we are the defending europian and world champions so let's show the world why".

Leah's pov
Me and Jordan head back up,to the room, I kiss her and say " babe I'm so proud of you, that was the best surprise ever", she takes my hand sits on the bed and says " I'm sorry I didn't tell you I wanted to,but I decide it would be best as a suprise, you do realise I'll be bowing you around now". I,sqy " I don't care ,as long as I hear your voice", we lakout for half an hour.

A few days later
Still Leah's pov
It's been a few days now and we've qualified for the euros, im,so,proud of this team. Jordan's doing an lazing job as coach, we're training right now and I start to,feel lightheaded. I think jordan and Serena can see I'm not myself, jordan comes up to me and says " come on let's go back to the room, serena said it was okay". I'm gutted I fell like I've let the whole team down, jordan kisses me,and says" hopefully you'll be felling beter tomorow, you let nobody down today, you can't if you're unwell". She's a mind reader I swear , I smile kiss her cheek and go to sleep,felling so lucky to have Jordan nobbs as my fiancé.

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