Jordan comes over for a meal at the wiliamsons

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Leah's pov
Jordan should be here any minute now, my family have no idea she's my girlfriend, I get a text from her say8ng she's outside, I go outside, get in her car kiss her, hold her hand and say " baby they'll love you they already do, just relax and be yourself, I'll be with you every step of the way, no before we go in, I'll take your bag into my room. I take her bag into my room and come back out . She comes out the car with wine and chocolates, who knew she was so thoughtful, I did that's for sure. We go in, my mum hugs jordan and says, " oh I hoped it would be you, you know where everything is, make yourself at home and thanks for the wine and chocolate it really wasn't necessary". We sit on the sofa, she looks at me and says " why was I so nervous?", I laugh and say " because you care about making a good impression, you already have since I joined the first team, being so welcoming and kind to me, yore one in a million Jordan nobbs don't ever forget that".

Jordan's pov
I kiss Leah and say " you're saying that to the most forgetful person ever". We both laugh,Leah's siblings come out and I hug them, I challenge her teenage brother to a game of fifa,he absolutely thrashes me, everyone finds it hilarious even Leah. That's what I love about this family there's a real togetherness about it , everyone is there for the others when they are struggling. Dinner is absolutely delicious, we play games for the rest of the night. Later I'm in my pjs, in Leah's bed, she comes out the bathroom and says " I told you they love you , there's no need to be nervous they understand why you left arsenal and they know how much you care about me". I kiss her and say " I always will, I know I'm forgetful but I have our aniversy on my phone and your birthday, I'm going to protect you for the rest of my life and I know I haven't said it yet but believe me when I say I love you". She kisses me, , pins me to the bed and says " I love yout to, jordan nobbs". We kiss, she pulls the covers under us and clothes are discarded, I know we do it a lot but we don't see each-other as much as we want to.

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