Jordan in hospital and a proposal

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Leah's pov
I get back from training to her faint notices from the stairs, I go to them to see jordan at the Bottom if the, i rush to her, ring an ambulance and both our parents, I look at jords amd say "I've called an ambulance,  you're going to be okay", she says through tears " if the baby hasn't made it, I don't know what I'll do".  I kiss her and say ":we'll cross that bridge when we come to it", I bet a pillow to make her more comfortable. Beth and daan come in and I say " can you wait outside for the ambulance and let friends know", they both nod and go out. The ambulance arrives and they take her in, I come in with her, not letting go of her hand. We arrive at the hospital, both our families are there, I go into the waiting room while they do the tests. Her doctor says " she wants to see you", I go in I still have the ring in my jacket, jordan smiles and says " our baby is a miracle, it survived there keeping me in overnight as a precaution ".

Jordan's pov
I kiss her and say " babe that's amazing, our family and friends are outside, I'll tell them to come in".  After an hour our family and friends go Leah looks at me and says " what hapend?" , I say " I slipped, the next thing I rember after that is you finding me, I was so scared our baby would die please forgive me". She kisses me and says " of course I forgive you babe, today has Proven how much I love you and our baby boy, I was going to ask you this after the baby was born but I can't wait and we don't need to start planing until after our boy arrives but Jordan nobbs, you are the most amazing and beautiful woman I've ever met inside and out so will you make me the happiest woman Alive and Marry me?".I say through tears " yes of course I will",she slides the ring onto my finger and kisses me, our forehead are pressed together. Serena , Ella and alesia come in, with Lucy and Keira , we chat for a bit when alessia says " what is that on your finger jord?" .I say " so a couple of minuets before you came In, Leah proposed to me and I said yes, don't tell anyone we haven't told our families yet and we're not planing it until after our boy arives", they all hug us, I never thought I'd ever be this happy

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