End of the season

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Jordan's pov
Today I'm going to the arsenal game it's their last game of this season and they've already won the WSL,I'm so proud of the whole team but especially Leah. she's done so well this season and works harder than any footballer I've ever met, that's one of the things I first liked about her is how hard she works. Leah wakes up, kisses me and says " babe are you sure you want to go today? it's okay if you don't", I kiss her and say ", thers no way I'm not supporting you today babe, of course I want to go".  She hugs me and says " I can't wait for the holiday baby", we're going on holiday in a couple of weeks,in  Devon with alessia,Ella,Lucy and Keira. I kiss her and say "me neither babe, it's going to be amazing just to relax after the season and before the baby is born".  We shower and get dressed, Leah drives us to the ground, i kiss her one last time for good luck and find her family in the stands. They saved a seat for me , Amanda hugs me and says " how are you doing?". I say "im doing okay i just can't wait for this baby to be born".

Leah's pov
I walk onto the pitch for kick off, I see jordan siting with my family, the game is going really well at half time, we're wining 4-0 and somehow even I've scored. The secound half kicks off and it's just as good as the first, we won 8-0 and I somehow scored the first hatrick of my career. We all celebrate the win, the crowd comes onto the pitch I see jodprdan hugging my teammates. She pulls me into her arms kisses me and says " babe im so proud of you,scorning your first hatrick, you were the best player by far and  I can't believe I'm lucky enough to be marrying you, I'll see you at the car park". Beth goes up to me hugs me and says " you guys are so cute, I always knew you two wouldn't be able to hide your fellings anymore". I hug  her and say " thank you so much Beth, just so you know, June would be so proud of evreything you've achieve not just with this club but in your career". I kiss jords as I see her waiting by the car, I help her in drive us home ,on the drive home jords says " no Offence to our other friends but I'd like less to be godmother, she'd be amazing we can ask her on holiday", I nod agreeing with her.

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