Bbc sports personality of the year

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Jordan's pov
Tonight is bbc sports personality of the year, Beth won it last year and my Leah is nominated this year, im so proud of her, she deserves it. I wake up and make breakfast, I do bacon sandwiches so we can have them in bed. By the time I'm back in the room Leah is just waking up. I give her the bacon sandwich, Get Back under the cover, she kisses me and says " thank you so much babe". After breakfast, I look at Leah kiss her and say " are you sure you don't want to have sex?", she puts her hands under my shirt and says " positive, we don't want to hurt the baby do we". She uses back and traces her hand down my spine, I lift maps arms up,so she can take it off which she does with ease, she looks at me and says" even when pregnant you're still the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on". We continue kissing for ten minutes then I decide to shower and get dressed as we need to head to the hotel we're staying in tonight.

Leah's pov
I'm felling so nervous about tonight, why couldn't they have nominated jordan who actually deserved it after what happened the night before the final. I drive us to the hotel, we go into our room, jordan pulls me down on th,embed and says " babe I know what you're thinking, you absolutely deserve to be nominated tonight and you may not win but you'll always win in my eyes ". I say "I just fell guilty you deserve so much more than me". She pins me on the bed kisses me and says " Leah you being nominated is better than being nominated myself, because you deserve it amd you might think I do but I don't". Later the ceremony is about to start, we've had picture and interview outside on the red carpet. We win team of the year agin and Serena wins coach of the year again, Leah done so well with her interview. The person presenting the main award has just announced 3rd and 2nd , she says " and the sports personality of the year for 2023 is Leah Williamson ". She kisses me and goes up to get her trophy, I really am so proud of her. She says " thank you so much to everyone who voted for me, all the nominees this year were amazing and it was an honour to be the smallest part of that, if there are any girls wanting to start football, then do it you won't regret it and you can achieve anything you set your mind to". We go back to the hotel room, she oases me the trophy and says " I'm okay with shareing it with you", I put the trophy down wrap my arms around her and say " that's why you won because your an amasing person, thank you". She kisses me, i kiss Back and we fall asleep hugging with my head on her chest".

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