Gender reveal party

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Jordan's pov
Today we're having a gender reveal party, we've got family and friends coming,we hired out a venue to host the party as there are about 50: people coming. I get out of bed because I fell sick, so I run to the bathroom to throw up. As I'm throwing up, I fell so one holding my hair back and runing circles around my back, I know it's Leah. I brush my teeth then go back to bed, she looks at me and says " what gender do you think our baby's going to be?".I look at her and say " thanks for just now, it really helped having you there and I think it's going to be a boy, if he doesn't become a footballer then we haven't raised him right ". Leah laughs and says " you cmat just say that babe, if they don't want to be a footballer then we need to respect that, and that's okay I'll always be there to hold your hair back". I know she's right but I really want the baby to Cary on the family legacy, Leah gets up to make breakfast for us , I creep up behind her and put my arms around her waist.

Leah's pov
We get showered and dressed, jordan struggles with the sip on her dress, i do the sip up for her, she turns around kisses me and says " thank you so much babe, I don't fell right in a dress , this is the last time before the baby is born". I kiss her and say " babe you look absolutely beautiful, it's up to you what you wear but know that you look gorgeous in the dress, and it's okay after this, wear whatever makes you comfortable ". I drive us to the venue, everybody is there we chat to people for about half an hour then it's time to reveal what we're having. Me and Jordan pop the balloon together amd blue comes out we're having a boy!!. I kiss Jordan and wipe her tears, I say " well it looks like we got our wish, we're having a beautiful baby boy, there's one thing for sure, he's going to be an arsenal supporter".  Jordan laughs kisses me and says "you know it baby, if he isn't then we need to accept his decision no mater how hard it is". I laugh because it's pretty much what I said earlier about him being a footballer.

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