Leah and jordan oneshot

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In this story jordan hasn't left arsnalland recently she's been having fellings for Leah , only a few people know about it. What hapens when Jordan accidentally walks into the bathroom to see a naked Leah.
Jordan's pov
I wake up and don't hear the shower runing, I've been living with Leah for five years now, we lived together with teammates before that. I've grown to really like her as more than a best friend, I've just never found the confidence to tell her. I go in the bathroom to see Leah naked, having just come out the shower. I turn around and say , " I'm so sorry Leah I should've knocked ". She says " it's okay, I suprise we've lasted this long, without seing the other naked, we're both single and I know I'm making it complicated but jord you can turn around". She has a towel around her, she's clearly embarrassed I saw her, why she would be I don't know, she's absolutely beutiful and any girl would be lucky to have her". She walks passed me, I'm going to talk to her later, we don't have training or a match today jonas gave us the day off . I shower and get dressed, then head to Leah's room.

Leah's pov
I'm so embarrassed jordan saw me like that, she kinocks on the door with a coffee and my favourite pastry from,the bakers on our road. I look at her and say " you really didn't need to , especially after the disgusting thing you saw earlier" she gives me  the coffee and we have our breakfast together.  After breakfast jord lifts my head up so I'm looking at her and say " what I saw ealier wasn't disgusting, it was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and I've had fellings for you for about a year now".  I look at her and say " are you sure, I've liked you for a year aswell I just didn't know how to tell you,"I'm shut up by Jordan slashing her lips onto mine. We break apart, jordan says " as cute as that was , I'm sorry I shouldn't have kissed you". I kiss her and say " we have the day to ourselfs let make the most of it, yes I'm sure, if you are, I want to do this with you now". She kisses me and gets onto my lap I flip us over so I'm on to, we have the best sex ever and end the day as girlfriends, I can't believe Jordan like me to and I'm her girlfriend, I'm so glad she walked into the bathroom this morning.

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