The baby is here

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Leah's pov
I get up kiss jordan and get showered and dressed ready for training,  I drive to training and meet up with the girls. Jonas allowed me to have my phone on just incase jordan goes into labour. Lucy is looking after jordan today and will call me if anything happens, Beth looks at me and says " are you okay to be training today", I say " fine, just nervous about the baby what if something happens and I'm at training, since she fell down the stairs I've been so nervous about losing our baby". Beth hugs me and says " Leah calm down, you're overthinking things and I u derstamd why but you need to stay strong for jordan you should've told me ealier, I'm sure the baby is going to be fine". Halfway through training I get a call from Lucy she says " Leah  Jordan's gone into labour, I've called the ambulance and her parents, meet us at the hospital, and call your family". I tell Beth to call Keira,Ella,Alessia and anyone else that needs to know run to my car Beth says her and Dan will be there after training. I drive as fast as I can to the hospital, and call my family.

Jordan's pov
I'm in so much pain right now, I really want Leah, Lucy is in there with me, Leah bursts in and takes Lucy's place, she looks at me and says " deep breaths babe, I know it hurts but I'm here now". It's so comforting knowing shes here holding my hand,it hurts so much.I give birth, the midwife wraps him up in a towel and gives him to me " I say welcome to the world, James wiliamson nobbs, do you want to meet your other mummy". I pass her to Leah and she kisses his head, Lucy and our families come in, they stay for a bit. Later it's just us, Leah kisses me and says " babe I'm so proud of you, you were amazing". I kiss her and say " I wouldn't have been able to do it without you ther babe, th@nk you, now we have the perfect family" we chat on FaceTime to the lioneses and Serena for a bit,Ella and alessia aren't there weirdly, we end the FaceTime. There's a knock on the door one if the nurses comes in and says" there are two people who would like to meet, James, technically it's past cpvisitispng hours but I'll let them in". We thank her , Alessia and Ella come in, we hug them and give ja,es to Alessia. She says " he's so cute, so who did you decide on being the godfather?". I look at Leah and say "we decided on billy, he's the perfect role model for James".

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