Jordan is pregnant

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Jordan's pov
I wake up feeling so sick, I run to the bathroom and throw up, I think I might be pregnant as this is the third day in a row, Vila is understand about me being I'll, I drive to the pharmacy and get a pregnancy test. Leah isint supposed to be coming down today, I'm calling her later, I drive back to the house to see Leah waiting for me. She says " rach told me, jonas gave me a couple of days off so I could look after you, no complaints". I hug her and let her in, she sees the pregnancy test inmy bag, and I say " I think I might be, I'm taking one just to be on the safe side". I take the test, I don't think I can do this on my own, i motion for for Leah to come in. She comes in, wraps her arms around me and says " babe if you are, then we need to tell Vila, and our family's, we can make an announcement next week, and you're moving back with me, I'm going to look after you". I look at her and say " thanks babe, you really don't need to but if you want to you can".

Leah's pov
The test says pregnant, I spin Jordan around and kiss her. I say " jords we're having a baby, I can't believe this, you're going to be the best mum ever". Jordan tells villa and we tell our friends and family, there all so happy for us, jordan starts  packing her stuff, I think she's planing on driving back. I kiss jords and say " babe let me drive you, half the stuff can go in your car and the other half can go in mine". She says " Leah as much as I appreciate the offer I need to drive back, or else my car will, just stay here". I say " okay, ring me if there's a problem okay, you are not driving in the coming months".she kisses me and says " I will and agreed, this is one of the last times I'm driving throughout the pregnancy".  We drive home, by the time i get there, Jordan's already unloading her car. I kiss her and say " I don't want to leave you alone so throughout the pregnancy, when I go on international duty you're staying with my mum, she offered and you can still come to the games, if you miss me, I sure Serena won't mind you still coming from the ones after". She kisses me and says " thank you so much babe, intentional break will give you time away from me and I can't take that away from you", I'll try and convince her after my next camp

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