Leahs birthday

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Leah's pov
I wake up on my birthday, I can't see Jordan anywhere, I hear a noise coming from the kitchen, I go In to find jordan running her hand under cold water. She's crying, I get some ice for her hand and plate up breakfast. She turns around I hug her and say " why are you crying babe", she says " I had it all planed to make you're birthday special now I've ruined it by being my stupid self". I hug her kiss her head and say, "go back into bed, get you're hand beter, you haven't ruined anything, I'll bring breakfast in". After breakfast her hand is better, she hasn't got a blister so it could be worse, she goes and gets the card and,presents for me. She kisses me and says " happy birthday babe, now unfortunately lucy and Keira couldn't,get back in time but they are FaceTiming in a bit , we're going shopping wit Ella and less,and then going for a meal with your family tonight, and we're celebrating with the arsenal girls tomorow". I kiss her and say thank you so much babe" we speak to Keira and Lucy for half an hour.

Joredans pov
I give her the card ( to Leah happy birthday, I know I've said this before but I'm going to say it again, you are the most inspirational, beautiful, loving, caring, thoughtful and amazing woman I've ever met, our baby is so lucky to have you as their mum, I love you so much love jords). She kisses me and says " thank you so much jords, you're the best girlfriend ever". I give her the pressents ( clothes,perfume, shoes,makeup and jewellery I got her a few other things as well but they were the main things). We shower and get dressed, Ella,and alessia com in, hug me and put their bags in the spare room as their,staying over tonight. We go shopping jordan absolutely spoils me, alesia,asks " so,jordan what bhapend to your hand?", jordan says " I burnt myself, nearly ruining, today, luckily Leah got some ice and it got beter". I kiss her hand and say " babe it happens, you wouldn't have ruined anything, if I had to look after you today i would've done". Later we go for a meal with my familly and it's absoulotley delicious. By the end of the night, I come out the bathroom to see my jords, I join her under the covers , pull her into my arms, kiss her and say " thank you so much for to say babe it was perfect".

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